Friday, May 18, 2012

What social media could be the most effective?

   According to some business owners, handwritten lettlers are the most effective and memorable social media. It is pretty cheap too, so is is really surprising how it can be more effective.

i love this one

Jaden Smith asks Obama about Aliens

Will Smith and his family were visiting the Obama's around Easter this year, and Will's son, Jaden age 13, wanted to ask Obama about the existence of aliens since Will is coming out in Men In Black 3. He asked about the aliens against his father's better judgement, and this is what he replied:

"'I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extraterrestrials, but I can tell you if there had been a top-secret meeting and if there would have had to have been a discussion about it, it would have taken place in this room.'"

Sad news! Donna Summer died yesterday at the age of 63. she was given the title of queen of soul and will be severely missed.

An annular solar eclipse and that ring of fire

 A solar eclipse happens this Sunday, except for the Eastern seaboard (sorry). It's an "annular" eclipse rather than a total one, which means the sun's edges peek out from behind the moon, creating the illusion of a ring of fire. (The word "annular" comes from the Latin word for ring.) The lower 48 states will have to wait until Aug. 17, 2017, for a total shutout. This weekend's eclipse


So I have a question... I park in the back of the school in the hopes no one will park exactly next to me but everyday some1 parks exactly next to me when there are like four spots both ways! so now i have dings in my doors from people slamming there doors into my car. why does this happen every day? why cant people not park next to someone? to add more I was at the hospital yesterday and some truck parked next to me but that isn't the worst of it my car ended up being surrounded by firetrucks cuz this time they didn't bang there door on my car. There car was smoking and had the potential to blow up of course next to mine!

Annular Solar Eclipse

This Sunday, May 20 there will be an annular solar eclipse. We will be able to watch this event as the sun starts to set. Also, we will not be able to view the whole event.

Other news: We may have another planet orbiting the sun. The Venus transit happens June 5 and will not happen again till 2117. Also, last night I was able to see M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy.

Subway Promotional Tie-in

Now that I know what it is, I notice all these promotional tie-ins.  This is one for Subway with Scrabble.

JC Penny Loses Sales After Reform

JC Penny's sales have fallen substantially with their new decree to start with lower prices. Since the company stopped with sales and coupons, starting by selling with the sale price, sales have dropped off.

College Majors With Low Unemployment
Health Care Administration
Criminal Justice
Marketing and Communications
Information Technology (IT)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

banning Soda?

  This past year, students that live in the Faulkton Area School District have been putting a "ban" on soda at school. This is happening more and more as time progresses.

Boy attends school from home

Holographic kind of thing so he can attend school from home.

Ban on plastic bags?

of course prep school kids are just dying to have plastic bags banned. they were the one's who asked legislatures to do it. I don't know what will happen to this purposed law, but I'm pretty sure it won't get passed. what will happen is that bags will be taxed $.06 per bag for three years then after that three years the bags will be banned completely! I'm really indifferent about this whole thing because i'm happy that it's cleaning up the environment, but the other bags will use more space in the landfill! Although there's probably no need to worry because I'm sure it won't get passed.

Old Mining Town Gets Wiped Off Map

The town of Treece, Kansas, the last of the population has left the toxic mining town. The town and Picher, Oklahoma were discovered by accident when a truck for a mining company broke down and the miners drilled a hole to pass the time. They struck a rich vein of zinc and iron. When the mining started to slow down after the bulk of the ore had been mined, the town was deemed toxic and everyone started leaving. Craters started opening up in the towns since the ground was toxic and sinking in.

Climate change,r:23,s:0,i:122

Scared or annoyed? More DVD anti-piracy warnings
the FBI has gotten into the movie business crazy

Social-Media Ad Spending to Jump to $9.8 Billion in 2016

U.S. social media advertising may rise $9.8 billion in 2016. Last year it was at $3.4 billion. Youtube is a very important role in the increase of advertising spending as social video is rapidly growing more popular.

advertising mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\

Funny advertising mistakes. First site is small.

GM Pulls Advertising

GM has announce that it will no longer be advertising on Facebook, as  they have found it to be ineffective.

Read more:

Burger King Moon

I liked this advertisement about Burger King because it kind of serves a dual purpose.  It's advertising the burgers, but it's also advertising that Burger King is open late as well.

Friday, May 4, 2012


this ad is really relate-able. Although I'm not say relate-able to me, but probably the older generation. I have seen the weird things people do when they are hung over because they don't realize what's going on. so this ad winds the funny award, I would buy this product if this pertained to me.

Naming the Next Generation

Many people are "competing" to name Generation Y. Possible names include iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen Wii and Digital Natives. Previous names for generations include: Baby Boomers, Silent Generation, and the Millennials (1982-2004). 

Facebook’s Sandberg Says Mobile Advertising Growth Area

 Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's Chief Operating Officer said in a video recorded, said one main source of revenue gains will be mobile advertising. This video was for possible investors to advertise on facebook.

Samsung Galaxy SIII First Ad

Samsung yesterday announced their new phone the Galaxy SIII. Their campaign revolves around the central theme of designed for humans.

Read more:

Controversial and Banned Commercial

Spontaneous Game of Shoot ‘Em Up (Xbox360)
i dont understand why this is a banned commercial

Small Investors Can Bid On Facebook

This article is about debates on whether Facebook should allow small investors to invest in Facebook.  They are talking about 337 billion shares at $28 to $35 each.  They are estimating a $10.6 billion raise in offering that would value the company at $86 billion.

Doodle 4 Google

Google is holding a contest for its famous Google logo on the search page. The drawing must answer "if I could travel in time, I'd visit..." State finalists are posted on the site and you can view lots of drawings.

Funny Advertising Slogans

Really funny slogans used.

apple ads

Apple tried to make their ads more nice to look at, i dont really think it worded all that well

For strong dogs pedigree,r:22,s:0,i:120

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Childhood Obesity Campaign

   This article talks about an upcoming campaign designed to fight childhood obesity. They are playing the ads on 850 stations for three months. It is supposed to educate children and parents about childhood obeisity, and how to prevent/stop it.


I saw the new t-mobile commercial the other day and saw what they were doing different. instead of going with a pretty innocent girl look they now feature a different girl spokesperson who seems to have more of a edgy yet acceptable personality.

Watermelon Festival

The Watermelon Festival in DeRidder, Louisiana is seeking sponsors.

 "It’s our communities’ desire for a better place to live, work and play and having the sweetest watermelons on the market."

Guide Dog for a Blind Dog

I saw this video and found it incredibly touching! This blind golden retriever has found a friend to lead him around. The black lab started leading around the golden by his leash. He also has epileptic seizures, which have gone down since finding his new friend. This shows the power of love and compassion can go beyond the human connection.

Art Slideshow

  This is a slideshow of artwork from teens. I think some of these are really neat, also, really powerful.

teenagers who know alcohol commercialls....

Studies show that if you know alcohol commercialls and have a favorite or own any merchandise you are more likely to drink.

North Carolina Ad

The ad below is an ad that is against the current proposition of banning same-sex marriage in North Carolina.

Yoda PC

This ad is just a funny one.  Yoda is holding a lightsaber and he is talking about PCs and Windows 7.  And of course, he is talking in his unique way of speech.

Comcast’s first-quarter earnings rise 30 percent on Super Bowl advertising, more broadband

Comcast, which is the country's largest  cable company, recorded a 30% profit increase in the first quarter of 2012. NBC's revenue also grew, after the Super Bowl it has increased 17%.

Pessimism: Good for Business?
this is intresting and kind of a no duh ofcourse that would work kind of thing