Monday, April 30, 2012

this is about the new playstation 4 coming in 2012.

digital > print?

just kind of explaining how more advertising companies are turning towrds digital media instead of print

Facebook Changes Real Estate in Silicon Valley

With the popularity of Facebook growing even bigger, everyone wants to live next to its creator, Mark Zuckerberg. The real estate near his home in Palo Alto, California. Houses are selling at higher prices.


This article describes what an "anti-teen" is, and what makes them so great. To me, it seems as though the parent who wrote this is trying to shelter their child from the world by homeschooling them and making them believe that public schools encourage peer pressure, and that they should have absolutely nothing to do with today's culture.

Apple avoids taxes

when your this rich you have to be crafty to become even more rich. Apple has taken up a location in Reno Nevada to avoid the high taxes in California. This is possible because Reno is so close to California that travel isn't effected much. Apple is expected to earn $43.5 billion this fiscal year, breaking the record for any business revenue. It would seem that Apple still can survive without Steve Jobs.

For healthy digestion

"For healthy digestion" science diet

Microsoft Investment in the Nook

Microsoft is trying to invest $300 million into Barnes and Noble's Nook industry.  Both the Nook and Amazon's Kindle are trying to keep up with the iPad, and Microsoft believes their investment will help boost the Nook's standings.  To compromise, Barnes and Noble will introduce a Nook e-reading application in the Windows 8 operating system.

Back to the Future in Brick Form

Lego Cuusoo, a voting website for Lego sets to be made, has received 10,00 votes for a Back to the Future set. The set will include all the pieces to create all three DeLoreans seen in the movies. Now it is up to Lego to decide if they want to a limited run.

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Fast food TV ads linked with obesity: Study

In a study, they found their is a link to obesity with fast food restaurant commercials. Visual cues encourage to eat while watching TV.

The Happiest Companies for Young Professionals
Do you envy those who go to work every day truly cheerful and eager? You can be that happy, too. Just land a job at Nordstrom, GlaxoSmithKline or FedEx

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Social Media Creating Antisocial people

  As we all have heard, social medias such as facebook, make antisocial people. Now they are also saying that it affects all of our relationships. This was a very interesting article.

5 Midlife Millionaires

An article about 5 people who hit it big while they were middle-aged.

1. Barack Obama - due to selling books which became NY Times Best Sellers, before he ever became president.

2. Gary Heavin- CEO and co-founder of Curves

3. Maria Maccecchini- President and CEO, QR Pharma

Creative Suite Gets A Makeover

This week Adobe released its newest version of creative suite, CS6. Once again the design company in San Francisco Tolleson Design did the box art. It is very interesting take since the previous designs.

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Dove Evolution Commercial

I remembered seeing this commercial a while ago and thought it to be very accurate. With all of the influences, it doesn't shock me that we, as a society, have a distorted view of what beauty is. Since airbrushing, photoshop, and tons of makeup have become the norm for our culture, I wonder how people can even try to live up to the expectation of what beauty is "supposed" to be.

Bad Advertising

rallying people up for a cause isn't always a bad thing, if you do it right! Nothing makes me more mad than just looking at this picture. This is a historical monument and just to see it defaced, what were they thinking?! this shows that one bad mistake will reflect on the whole company.

With Wal-Mart Claims, Greater Attention on a Law

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is to keep U.S. comanies from bribing officials over seas. Wal-mart is going to be under investigation for bribery in Mexico, back in 2005. This has caused the stock to drop over the last couple days.

Advertisement vs. Real

This ad is very true.  It shows a picture of a Jack in the Box taco that gets advertised on TV and then what the actual taco looks like.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Privacy Online, Whats That?

    This article discusses how, when you are online, you have no privacy. Everytime you look something up, post a comment on Facebook, or click on an advertisement, you are being monitored. True, there are privacy settings on sites, but they really seem to make it very difficult. According to this article, "figuring out how to activate a site’s privacy control settings sometimes feel as if it requires a graduate degree in tiny print". Another good point that this article brings out, is how privacy is now a choice rather than a given.

Yahoo sues Facebook

Yahoo is apparently suing Facebook because of many patent infringements. It's a big think lashing out against Facebook because of their seaming less endless money. This creates a dilemma for Facebook because they were just about to go public, and now they aren't sure if they'll have to post pone the date or not due to this lawsuit.  

US Teen Birth Rate at Record Low

The teen birth rate has dropped 9 percent from last year, and is at a record low from 1946. The rate is 34 teen births per 1,000 women. A mixture of things have influenced this, including public programs for help, and increased use of various birth control methods. The US still falls behind other countries, such as Canada, which has 14 teen births per 1,000.

MIT Students Take Over A Building For Tetris

MIT students decided to take over a building to play a full color Tetris game. Also the game increases in difficulty as you go up levels, just like the real game.

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this is just a weird way of advertising.

McDonald's Advertisement

So, I'm not a big fan of McDonalds, and this ad kind of cemented that for me.  Their slogan is "I'm Lovin' It" but it is put on a person who has obviously been eating too much fast food.  The entire ad just grosses the viewer out and doesn't entice them to eat McDonalds

Creepy Commerical

I saw this commercial over the weekend and at first it scared me. I thought it was for a horror movie! Is this an effective way to advertise? Who does this reach? Who would be deterred from the product?

I loved the google zipper to recognize the inventor of the zipper!

Google zipper news

Article on the zipper.

Friday, April 20, 2012

YouTube loses court battle over music clips

This article talks about Youtube not taking responsibility for the videos posted on its site. They are allowing videos that are already copyrighted to be posted on another page. The company Gema, that supports over 60,000 German musicians and songwriters, is the other side of the case.

10 Cheapest Cars for 2012
there are some nice cars shown here.

McDonald's ad

It's clever because it'll get you to eventually want their food once you have been sitting at that bus stop for a while. it also makes the atmosphere of the fast food joint seem more comfortable.

Olympics 2012 Ad

I've always liked Olympics ads, they're always funny and intriguing.  This one is no different.  Since the Olympics are in London this year, it's a picture of Big Ben with a basketball hoop on it and a kid shooting a ball towards the hoop.  Another kid is standing on top.  The entire thing is an ad for Bank of China and VISA.

advertising Expense Average

This page is all about the expenses and average it out for advertising.

One million wikipedia edits

This guy is the first person in the world to receive the 1 million wikipedia edits trophy.

It took him about 7 years, while he did 385 edits a day (around 4mins each).

More Colorado districts on board with school-bus ads

Colorado school districts are looking to copy what Adams 12 Five Star Schools came up with. Thats putting ads on the side of the districts school busses. This is projected to make about $20,000 each district for the first year.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Thank-You Mom" P&G Campaign

   The new Proctor & Gamble Campaign this year is reported to be the best so far. Through this campaign, they are thanking the mothers of existing Olympians, and even the mothers of future Olympians. The ad lasts one minute and 20 sec. , and it shows mothers supporting their young Olympians by making them a good breakfast, driving them to their practice, and then going home to clean up with P&G products(Tide, Swiffer, ...) I think this ad will be extremely effective. Because even if Moms don't rush off to buy these products, it will make them feel good about themselves, and all they do as moms. It will be especially effective for stay-at-home moms, moms that already have kids in sports, and even future mothers. Which will in turn, be good for P&G.  


I Think it will be effect to the woman who watch this with kids but i don't think it was right of them to use the Olympics like they did and try to trick us into this. Its just weird kinda but its the norm anymore so I don't think people will think twice of this.

Mothers get Glory

I think its great that the advertising theme of mothers this year for the olympics is a great idea. Proctor & Gamble, being the worlds largest advertiser, will get much attention to the olympics. This is a great idea to attract more females and families to watch, and see that they are appreciated for their hard work for their kids.

Procter and Gamble Mothers/Olympics Campaign

Here is a great article detailing P&G's latest promotional tie-in with the Olympics.  P&G is the world's largest advertiser, spending more than $3 Billion last year- Tide, Pampers, Charmin, Cascade, Bounty, Duracell, have these and many other of their brands in your home!

Monday, April 16, 2012

" The Man With the Google Glasses"

    This article talks about a video that was released earlier this month by Google. It is a video about a man that has Google Glasses. Many people think that although it is cool, it will cause people to be even more antisocial, and friendless.

comical mini cooper ad

It's always good to play off an advertisement as funny because someone will remember it a lot more. this is funny because it's going beyond what is normal for a car.

skiing in Alberta Canada
skiing in Alberta Canada

Alberta Travel Advertisement

Unanswered Questions in F.C.C.’s Google Case

This article talks about the Google Street View project. The FCC is saying that the company could have been pulling internet communications from unsuspecting houses as cars with special equipment drove by.

Mobile500 Alliance Demos Their Consumer Product

At the 2012 National Association of Broadcasters Show, the Mobile500 Alliance has detailed their new Mobile DTV plans. They hope that the will be able to stream live tv to your phone for free. Also, their plan was highly detail for advertising, which is suppose to be interactive.

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Mary J. Blige Burger King Ad.

A Mary J. Blige Burger King ad was taken off of the air recently because some felt offended. MJB was singing about the chicken snack wraps, and was supposed to include a dream sequence but didn't. Some felt it was stereotyping African Americans.

Phone Advertisement

This picture at first looks relatively normal (or as normal as advertisements get), but when you get closer, you realize that the toucan in the picture is actually a hand painted to look like a toucan and is reaching for the phone.

interesting billboard designs

just a couple of cool billboards!

Orange juice taste tested
I like how the #1 orange juice is in the least flashy container.

Nestle and Mars Advertising Top The Hub Magazine's Annual Shopper Marketing Report

The top of The Hub Magazine's fifth annual ranking of excellence in shopper marketing was Nestle. Mars Advertising finished first for the fifth year in a row for advertising. Other companies listed high for marketing were SC Johnson, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, M&M Mars, Kraft Foods, Hormel Foods, Clorox, Hershey's, and Campbell Soup.

How stocks and retail interacts

How stocks affect retailers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mike and Ike candies split

  The Mike and Ike candies are now being sold separate, in order to gain business. The new packages have one name, or the other scribbled out as if by a pen. I wonder how effective their strategy will work?


It might be good for gas business to hold off the embargo. they said that this has hiked up gas prices 10% so far. I'm sure that it would cause madness if the prices went sky high, or it could be good for people. who knows.

Rhino Car

This car is pretty cool.  The inside is a rhino, so I'm assuming it's supposed to be like a rhino or something.  The visual is very cool.

Visit Colorado

A new Colorado commercial has recently been released. The theme of the ad to visit Colorado in No Waiting.


Sony Chief Unveils Plans to Revive Company

 Kazuo Hirai, the chief executive of Sony, is planning how to revive the company that is slowly falling victim to the worldwide economy because of all the national issues that have occurred in Japan. 

The 10 Fastest Dying Industries in America

advertising statistics

These are statistics from the super bowl for advertising.

Ad blames Obama for high gas prices

The title of the commercial is "TOO MUCH"and this ad is playing in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia. The ad is attacking President Obama for high gas prices.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Beat the Streak sales promotion

Here is an interesting way to win $5.6M.  follow the link to select a player that gets a hit each day, go 57 days in a row with a hit and win the jackpot. What kind of a sales promotion incentve is this?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Burger King

Burger King is working on adding new items to their menu to catch up to McDonalds. They are also using expensive celebrities like Jay Leno to be in their comercials in hopes that it will bring customers in.


Nokia Lumia 900

I remember when i got my first phone, it was a Nokia brick phone and that thing was built to last! although since the major technology boom I haven't really seen any up to date phones from Nokia. They decided to come back with this Nokia Lumia 900. What makes it special is that it apparently has everything the Iphone and android has along with working with Windows software BUT the catch is that it's so much cheaper! cheaper then that of any droid or Iphone.I predict that this phone will make a major impression and maybe hopefully bring the prices of its' competitors down!

Trendy made in America brands
Interesting and good to know what clothing types are made here in america

samsung making it easier to advertise

its jsut basically sayign how Samsung is signing deals with ad agencies to make it easier to advertise on samsung smartphones. also, it says that by doing this it will produce better ads in more targeted areas

Car Mouse

I just thought this ad was funny.  It's not for anything specific, but you just look at it and want a computer mouse shaped like a car.

facebook buys instagram

an interesting development in the battle for smartphone "eyeballs"- $1 Billion price!  Was it too much?

Pringles ad,r:12,s:0,i:147&tx=72&ty=38

Sony Revises Expected Loss to $6.4 Billion

 Sony more than doubled its projected net loss for the past financial year to ¥520 billion, its worst loss ever, as an additional tax expense hurt a company already battered by heavy losses in its television business, a strong yen and natural disasters in Japan and overseas. During a news conference at its headquarters in Tokyo on the projected annual loss, equivalent to $6.4 billion, the electronics and entertainment company stopped short of confirming reports that it planned to eliminate 10,000 jobs, a weighty move in a country where staff cuts are considered a breach of a company’s social contract.

Retail Sales Rise as Retail Employment Tanks – Analysis of the Story

Retail dropped 34,000 jobs in the last year but on average, retail sales are up by 4.1%. Some of the reason for the increase in sales was due to good weather which produces positive feeliings. Also early Easter and spring breaks brought early sales. But sales are expected to go down due to gas prices rising.

print Advertising tips

        This website has 12 different tips to making a successful print ad that will get peoples attention.