Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Thank-You Mom" P&G Campaign

   The new Proctor & Gamble Campaign this year is reported to be the best so far. Through this campaign, they are thanking the mothers of existing Olympians, and even the mothers of future Olympians. The ad lasts one minute and 20 sec. , and it shows mothers supporting their young Olympians by making them a good breakfast, driving them to their practice, and then going home to clean up with P&G products(Tide, Swiffer, ...) I think this ad will be extremely effective. Because even if Moms don't rush off to buy these products, it will make them feel good about themselves, and all they do as moms. It will be especially effective for stay-at-home moms, moms that already have kids in sports, and even future mothers. Which will in turn, be good for P&G.  

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