Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Priceline loses Shatner


William Shatner has been the spokesperson and endorser of Priceline for a lengthy 14 years, but it seems that Priceline is moving on. Priceline used to have a name-your-own-price deal, but the company wants to bring attention to another part of the business.

Robert Frost poem controversy

I think that the Jeep commercial could very well use this poet's poem for their commercial but unfortunately they left out one crucial piece. Not once in this commercial did they give credit to Robert Frost, it seemed like it was Jeep's poem which it is not. now if they were to edit this commercial and put "quoted from Robert Frost," or his name at the end but as of right now this commercial has copyright issues..

Jeep Commercial


   I really don't see anything wrong with Jeep using the poem. It's copyright date is very outdated. I think that Robert Frost (the poet) would not have any problem with his poem being used in a car commercial. And it is a pretty cool poem that I wouldn't have heard about without this commercial.

Jeep ad X-Games

The Jeep is running smooth through the snow & ice, without any problems!

I guess it is cool to use the poem, no one really realizes that it is a poem anyways.. and since it is a public domain people should not care or get mad about it.

Jeep's Ad

I believe it is ok to use the poem in the commercial. It's not detrimental to Robert Frost, its more promoting him I believe. I don't see why Frost wouldn't approve of the commercial as it follows the setting, etc.

Jeep Ad


I think it's fair game to use his poem. It was a public one, so it could be considered a tribute.

Jeep and a Poet

I think it is ok to use the poem.  It is in public domain, so no one should get mad about it.  There isn't enough of the poem in the commercial for anyone to really know whose poem it is or even that it is a poem.

political ad

with the election fast aproching there have been alot of ads promoting certain canidates. this particulare one is for Ron Paul and it is "ok" but I feel that it drags on way to long and because of that looses alot of its power. i my self have yet to reach the end of it do to loosing interest and the fact that its put infront of somthing i want to watch.

jeep add


I think it is fine that they used that poem maybe it would of been better if they thought of there own but if its open to the public than its legal. I'm not sure if the poet would really like him using this but with him not being here still we wont ever really know.

Man's Altered Photo Appears in Ad Without His Knowledge


I found this article on yahoo! and thought it was very interesting. This man has unknowingly had a digitally altered photo of him in a diabetes campaign. It is amazing how real the photo looks! I never would have guessed it was altered. What would you do in this situation?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jeep and a poet?

follow this link to find the jeep commercial running during the x-games.  Do recognize who the poet is?


Do you think it is OK to quote a now-deceased poet, even if his poem is in the "public domain"?

here is a link to the actual poem- note the copyright date:


lastly, here is an interpretation of Frost's poem- if you have time to read it, do you still think it is OK to use his poem in this Jeep commercial- do you think Frost would approve of the poem's use in this manner?

Friday, January 27, 2012

the new camaro

Then Dedham Public Art Project


  I think it is really cool how this town is making 15 ft. long bronze sculptures of a rabbit. It does seem like a lot of work, and $95,000! But I think in the end, it will bring people to their town.

Double Meaning Ad (Powerful)


This Ad has 2 meanings behind it. Both these meanings are chief priorities for everyone and are huge issues that are always being debated on so many different fronts.

Colorado Skiing Advertisements


Colorado is making it a point to advertise the skiing industry by putting ads in big time magazines such as the Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

Bose Headphones


sometimes taking an advertisement to the extreme is the best thing you can do.  If people saw this it would really get them thinking about how much the noise reduction product works, and by putting it next to something large scale like a waterfall, people would think it would work in everyday situations.

Online Privacy

I wasnt' sure what to think of the article--I don't really like ads at all, so whether they are personalized for me or not doesn't really make a difference.  I don't want any ads.

interesting ads

some of these are awesome! haha

Superbowl add does it really get sales?


This was very interesting cause they were talking bout does spending all that money on Superbowl adds really get any more sales? Also with them always showing clips online of the add before it is aired. There are better ways to get your add out there than these expensive adds which may or ma not work. They may stimulate conversation but sales probably not.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

online privacy

here is an article that continues our discussion of online privacy and what marketers should be able to know about you when you surf/purchase things online- post your thoughts if you choose


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Advertising in NY

  I think that it is a very neat idea. It would help companies narrow down comercials that we aren't interested in. But at the same time it is very expensive and might not be worth it. It also is a little bit creepy that they can study all of those things. It is nice to know that you get to decide if you want to be studied or not.

Advertising Lab

I thought this was a really interesting idea.  When I was little, I always wondered how the companies knew what ad was effective, and this lab gives an explaination about that.

Child Soldiers


Make this a thing of the past.
This is a pretty cool lab. I thought it was interesting that they showed the people different speeches of current presidential canidates and they measued their biometric reactions. For how much the research costs; I hope that it is working.

Eye Popping ads


        these ads catch the eye really well cause they use bright colors to catch the eye and hold it on the ad so the image is in your head.

12 advertising fails

probaly not that school appropriate, but still funny.

Kodak Rechargeable Batteries: Tiger

Tests for adds


It seems cool but at the same time it seems unneeded. There are more labs else where so you would think they would use this money for something els.. I just hope that it is working for them..

Unbelievable advertising lab in NYC


It seems as though the research center isn't needed, as they already have reseach centers in Atlanta, Georgia, and Burbank, California. I would like to see if this research actually pays off down the road.

Unbelievable advertising lab in NYC


Follow this link and read the article to learn about a new high-tech advertising lab in NYC- post a quick comment on your thoughts as to whether or not you think it is worth the expense- dd

Monday, January 23, 2012

Amazon has the best customer service


    According to a 9,374 person survey this year, amazon.com has the best online customer service. Out of ten "best customer service companies", amazon.com ranked #1. Which is even better than thier 2nd place last year.

Joe Paterno dies at age 85


I feel bad for Coach Paterno and his family. One of the most winningest college football coaches ever, but with the sex scandle involving a former assistant coach putting a damper on the end of his career; what will coach Paterno really be remembered for? Being a great coach and father or the guy who didn't do anything about the terrible actions one of his coaches was committing.

Wash Your Hands!


Probably my favorite ads are the bold one's. The kind of one's that clearly get the point across. This ad, I believe, was created to target parents and other baby owners to be really cautious of touching their baby with out washing your hands.

Older Advertisements


On this site, there are lots of old magazine pages shown. Some have ads and others just have stories. The full story is not shown but they are a cool thing to think about. An example would be testing if GM considers a woman's smaller size in creating a car.

Pantene Anti-Breakage Shampoo: Rapunzel


This ad is for anti-breakage shampoo.  It really catches your eye when the title says "Rapunzel" because everyone knows Rapunzel had really, really long hair.  Pantene is using that analogy to show how well their shampoo works.

I feel bad for the guy who has the skittles curse.

Ad Agencies Struggling to Evolve in Digital Age

onnly 9% of marketers think that ad agencies are doing a good job of extending their capabilities digitally.

A New HP

HP contacted Moving Brands to redesign their logo to re-brand their company. By clicking the link you can see the new logo which no one knows when or how it will be implemented.

Read More: http://www.underconsideration.com/brandnew/archives/a_new_hp_so_close_yet_so_far_away.php

Real retail sales growth rate - 4.5%in 2012: BMR


Although retail sales should grow 4.5% in 2012,the greatest issue for retail sales is consumer confidence. Which will hurt if the economy doesn't get better. The past 10 years show about 47.0% of retail sales in the first, and 53% of sales in the second half of the year.

Clever and Funny Ads


              I like these ads cause they are so far out of the ordinary it is rediculus. They are also some of the most eye catching because they appeal to the senses so well. They also keep your eye on the picture because your eye wants to find more. It also sticks in your mind cause it is highly unique.

yet a nother terrible ad

I think I might have nightmares after this. also Play station payed 150 million dollars for this ad, good job.



In 2009 and 2010 about 1 in 3 adult and 1 in 6 kids and teens are obese. This artical talks bout all the rates and how things have changed with it like men have now caught up with woman with obesity rates. Its a true but sad artical. This is a good way to get this out and in the open

Thursday, January 19, 2012

funny chevrolet commercial and also a transformers commercial.
i think it was a good wat to get the M&M out there and see how many people buy them

M&M's superbowl comercial and new charector


   I really don't think that the M&M superbowl comercial is worth that much money. Because who doesn't know and love M&M's already? It might turn out to be a waste of money. Also, I personally am not really into the charectors. I like the chocolate better. So whether they have a Mrs. Brown or not, isn't that big of a deal.
I think 3.5 million is a lot of money for a commercial, but I do think it will be successful. I think its cool that they are making another M&M character.

hahaha this is an ad for Glassex window cleaner.

animated still picture ads

These ads are purely for the computer but they are still effective as it adds the sight sense but it catches the attention and keeps it cause the eye is expecting it to move to something else even though it won't like the endless coke or wine pictures in this link.


M&M's Ms. Brown


Getting a commercial during the Super Bowl is the ultimate way of advertising a product. A huge percentage of Americans watch it with the anticipation of seeing many new commercials, many for products we are already familiar with. The question of whether or not 3.5 million dollars should be spent on a commercial is, in my opinion, definately okay, especially if Mars has the means to do so.

Introducing the new M&M character

I think it is worth the money.  By introducing a new character, the company advertises M&Ms and reminds the audience that it is still the same candy it has always been.  Since people wanted to vote for the brown M&M, I think that making Ms. Brown a character will pique interest and make people want to eat M&Ms.

welcoming Mrs. Brown to the family

It seems a little belated that they are just now revealing Mrs. Brown after countless years of the other characters. Although I think it's actually perfect timing. To normal people it may seem pretty stupid to spend $3.5 million just for a small 30 second commercial but actually the Super Bowl is a huge deal that Millions maybe even Billions of people watch, that 30 time frame can bring a lot of business back (even though I don't think business was that bad in the first place).

M&M's to unveil a new speaking role at superbowl

I definatly always thought that that ther was a brown m&m, but apparently not. Also, i dont think that it is worth 3.5 million dollars for just one 30 second commercial that most people already know about.The candy company that produces m&ms, mars inc, spent a total of 84.3 million dollars just in the first part of 2011. i think that all this spending is going to ruin the company.

M&M's commercial, $3.5 million for a 30 second spot, to introduce a new Ms. Brown M&M's?

Yes, I think it's all the money worth. When people are watching the Superbowl and a M&M's commercial pop-up, people want to buy their product!

Showing a commercial/advertisement while Superbowl is on is the ultimate way to present a new    product, even though Mrs. Brown is the same taste as the other colors of the M&M's family, but it is eyecatching for almost everybody!         

It is still a lot of money though, 3.5 million dollars for just 30 seconds, but how many times will that commercial show during the Superbowl? A lot.

M&Ms is it worth the money for comercial?


I do not think that it is worth 3.5 million to advertise a product that we all already know about for only 30 seconds. We already know by now if we want M&Ms and already know of them. Seeing that comercial may entertain us for a while but we arent just gonna go buy them cause of the comercial. Maybe if it was a new kind of M&M that we eat so people will than know about it but its the same M&M taste.

M&M’s to Unveil New Speaking Role at Super Bowl

I think it's crazy to buy a advertising spot for $3.5 million. It seems like a lot of money just to introduce a new animated character. Although the past commercials have been entertaining, I hope that big of an investment pays off for Mars Brothers.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Read this article on the new M and M and respond to my question below:


Read the above article on the new Brown M&M to be introduced during this year's SuperBowl.  Do you think it will be worth it to advertise for a candy product nearly everyone is already familiar with for $3.5 million for a 30 second spot?  Why or why not?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

M&M's 6th Charcter to be Revealed


During Superbowl XLVI this year, M&M plans to introduce a new chocolately character, dubbed Ms. Brown. "She" is chief chocolate officer, being at this position for 70 years with her wit and charm keeping her there. It will be interesting to see how Mars portrays Ms. Brown on January 30th at 3pm.

Rising Retail Sales


  This year(2012) we are expected to have 3.4 % sales increase. This is a little lower than last years 4.7%  increase. But all the same, it could be one step closer to a better economy.



microsoft hasn't really improved their broswer "internet explorer" but instead theyre using all their money on flashy ads and videos. I think its a bad technique.

30 Hilarious Print Advertisements


All of the ads on this site are print ads. Most of the ads are pretty straight-forward about what they are advertising with logos in the corners or text somewhere on the ad. My favorite ad is the Senior Self-Defense Academy. I wouldn't want to run into the owner of that walker.

worst game ad I've seen to date "sponge cake jam session"

this may be one of the saddest attempts to sell a game I've seen but its funny in a vulger way so watch at your own discretion. also, just saying I fail to see what this has to do with rockband

Car Advertisement


This is advertisement is really targeting men because it's pretty much saying this car is for real men. It's almost like a bandwagon approach because don't most men want to be a "real" man?
ha ha ha its just like the cool whip incident all over again ha ha!!!!!

Madden 12 NFL ad


This ad shows that you can be aggressive over video games. But you are not always the winner, just check it out!

Google Launches Multi-Week Privacy Campaign

Starting today Google will be launching an advertising campaign that will make all users more aware in the ways to protecting your privacy online.

Read More: http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/technology/google-turns-online-privacy-into-public-service-crusade-with-multi-week-marketing-campaign/2012/01/17/gIQAq6xW4P_story.html

new M&M soon to be released!


I think this is a good way to advertise by putting a new m&m out during the super bowl comercial. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Her name will be Mrs. Brown.

40 Funny Ads


Here are 40 funny ads that caught my eye. They're pictures.

Tree/Lung Picture


This picture shows tree deforestation, only the trees are in the shape of a pair of lungs.  The title is "Before It's Too Late."  I like this ad because it has a double meaning--one about deforestation and one about smoking.

dont let bad links happen to you

how ironic

Drama Queen


M&M'S® to Reveal Sixth Character in Super Bowl Ad


Today Mars Chocolat announced they'll reveal the 6th M&M'S® character, Ms. Brown. This will first be revealed in a new ad during Super Bowl XLVI.

1/17/12 ad post


This commercial ad is curious to the eye because this type of scene is not usually used for advertising but it also has a lot of details that catchesyour attention and uses a lot of catchy wording that pulls you in.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

world of warcraft chuck norris ad

I like the idea of the ad, but I think choosing a person who is only talked about in jokes any more was a less then great idea



this makes sense because every time i see and add I try to get it away or not even look at it let alone even to click on it.

Target Drops Ad Agency

Have a six year relation with Wieden+Kennedy, Target has decided to drop them in favor of expaning their ad campaign for the years to come.

Read more: http://www.oregonlive.com/playbooks-profits/index.ssf/2012/01/target_co_drops_portland_agenc.html

Minecraft mod ad and how it works

this is advertising about a new mod for minecraft

Zoo ad


I really like this ad.  It's really simple, just a sign for the zoo on a lamp post.  The cool part is the giraffe on the sign.  The body of the giraffe is the lamp post, so it catches your eye.  It makes you pay attention to the ad.

New York Times is taking a 12 day cruise tour....


Is this just an excuse for them to take a cruise....? But they are going to be taking a 12 day cruise to talk to people.

British Airways commercial 2011


This commercial is very eye catching and a must see commercial.

It shows British Airways through the years which is really nice, and looks very cool!

Parenting Ad


I like this ad because it's a very direct approach to parents actually watching their children. as a lifeguard too many times I see a parent let their little kid in a pool by themselves and not watch them, not only is it very dangerous it's just bad parenting.


RED ROBIN!!!!!!!!!!!

45 Advertisements You will Never Forget


Some of these are a bit strange but most of them make a lot of sense. Some are videos while others are just pictures. I don't know about you, but I would definitely take the stairs if they made noise...just watch the stairs video. Most of these are clever ways to advertise a good or service.

test blog

TGS Sees Sales Growth of 25% as Exploration Spending Expands


TGS-Nopec Geophysical ASA (TGS), a Norwegian oilfield surveyor, expects sales to rise as much as 25 percent for oil and gas companies. Net revenue will reach $700 million to $760 million, up from $609 million in 2011.

funny voltswagon ad


Very funny and eye catching but how does it help them bring people to the car lot to sell more?