Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unbelievable advertising lab in NYC

It seems as though the research center isn't needed, as they already have reseach centers in Atlanta, Georgia, and Burbank, California. I would like to see if this research actually pays off down the road.


  1. most home this day do have high end stuff from phones to tvs

  2. This could be a great investment for the company but it can come at a great cost because everybody has a different opinion. You can baseline to get a good crowd but you could also lose some customers you already have cause they ad pushed them away. So it could be good or bad for the company depending on how they analyze the results this lab push out.

  3. i think that the pirce payed compaired to what could be made is rather large in favor of the made

  4. i think is a nother way to spend money
