Thursday, October 18, 2012

OMG! How Teens Respond to Email…Srsly

When drafting email text for teenagers and young adults, make sure your copy is short. My research has shown that shorter copy beats longer copy every time, even if the longer copy is much more compelling and entertaining. Don't try and explain your message; just provide a couple sentences that tell the reader what you're asking them to do, embed a large picture, and link to your action-step. You have to earn young peoples' attention now, because when it comes to the Internet, they've been there, done that. It said that teen life for the adults now, is not the same as the teens who are living today. Plus, for most teens, if you don't send their email to a mobile compatible one, you've lost them because that's what they're on all the time these days. Although, that's not how I take it.

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