Friday, December 21, 2012

Why Rethinking Closing Techniques will Increase Sales

The purpose of any closing technique is to get your customer to say ‘yes’.
In selling, this means the process used to bring your customer to a decision, whether that be yes or no. Closing sales is becoming increasingly difficult as customers are now savvier and more assertive than ever before.
In other words, they aren’t as daft as you think. With the help of comparison websites and celebrity customer service ‘Gurus’, consumers know they can source cheaper alternatives to your product/services at the click of a button.
There are six commonly recognised types of closing techniques:
  • The Confirmation Close
  • The Conditional Close
  • The Indirect Close
  • The Direct Close
  • The Assumptive Close
  • The Alternative Close
Although successful in certain situations, not all of these closing techniques will help you close a sale or get your customer to sign onthe dotted line.

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