Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The New Microsoft TechForum2012

   Microsft's new technogogy, the IllumiShare allows the user to interact with other IllumiShare users in a way that has never happened before. One of the examples that this article brought out that I thought was really cool, is that you can play a game like chess, that has real chess pieces, but with someone across the world. I think that is pretty impressive.

The new ad might be a bit to honest. haha

M & M's

I liked this advertisement because it's talking about how you can communicate through M&Ms because they have letters on them now.  The ad had a keyboard made of M&Ms, which was cool.

Netflix Losing Films

Netflix has now become more common for internet streaming of television shows, rather than its famed "flix." More than half of everything viewed by consumers are television shows.

super bowl ads

This just talks bout the purpose of super bowl ads. They moremake them so they can see who makes the top 10 or worst. They usually after get some really good attention with out having to pay more.

South Korean Man

This is about this South Korean native who moved to America to start his business and he has to move his business because his rent is being raised.

beef jerky

messing with sasquatch...that is all.

Once Film-Focused, Netflix Transitions to TV Shows
I love netflix but this is not cool. MOVIES <3

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bisiness plan outline

Here is a outline plan for making your own business happen.

Doritos cute and funny

The Games Are No Longer Just on the Field...

GM had a commercial in the Super Bowl of when the apocalypse will hit, saying Ford owners wont survive. Ford got another beat down when Chrysler's commercial saying if you take this and that away from a Dodge Ram, and you have a F-150. This negative advertising is also in the milk and soft drink business.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sales Techniques

  This article had some really good advice on how to make your businesss succeed. I thought it was interesting to read about some of the sales techniques that they feel are effective.

Creative Advertisments Around the World

This site shows many incredibly creative advertisements from man-hole cover made to look like a steaming cup of coffee to a burger advertisement with a wet floor sign saying "oogling our burgers may cause drooling.

Google Glasses

Google is said to be developing eyeglasses that can be worn and the screen inside shows the webpages. Subtle head movements would trigger scrolling and clicking.

Powered by android 3G or 4G.

Write to people more

I believe that it's true that a hand written letter has more meaning than a text. Now do i hand write letters to people? no. but this picture really conveys this relationship between hand written letters in an effective but creepy way.

Watch Your Children

This ad is very shocking.  I liked it because parents need to watch their children, especially around water.  You never know what could happen.

M&M Comercial Wins!

In the end, it was a shell game.
M&M's "Just My Shell" commercial from BBDO New York, introducing the new Ms. Brown character, was crowned the winner of youtube's 2012 Ad Blitz in which the site's users voted for their favorite commercials from Super Bowl XLVI.

neon signs
just kind of explaining how neon signs are used in life and also how they work

Google glasses

Google is reportedly working on a pair of glasses that will bring augmented right to your eyes. The glasses are expected to be released by years end.

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funny ads

ads that are funny.

I dont know if this real commercial or not but it is funny

wwe comercials


This is about the WWE WrestleMania coming in three months, and they are already starting to air comercials for this event, Bryan and "The Great White"

People Don't Think McD's Has Great Food... But Does it Matter?

The internal tracking system and Sandelman & Associates research say food quality and friendliness at McDonalds ranks below competeition. It ranks high in kid appeal, affordability, and convenience. McDonalds is going to improve the quality of food, partially by the treatment of animals.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

McDonalds is changing their quality perception

  McDonalds serves 68million people everyday, but how many people do you know that are proud to admit going to McDonalds? To fix this view, McDonalds is addressing issues related to food quality, sustainability practices, nutritional value, practises, suppliers treatment of animals, condition of stores, and service. Will this change people's perception of McDonalds?

very funny print ads

There are multiple ways to catch and keep a persons attention but humor is the best for most people. Here are a bunch of funny print screen ads.

Neglected Children

This is a very sad but true advertisment. most people can relate to the visual effects, making this a very successful advertisment. it's actually kind of creepy how there looks to be an actual child behind the poster.

Airline Tapping into twitter to stop complaints

Twitter using twitter as a service tool. if you aren't happy about something on your flight tweet about it and you'll usually get a quicker response then an email or a phone call. the airlines did this to increase costumer happiness. 

Target Figured Out a Girl Was Pregnant Before Her Father Did

Target has a system in which every customer is assigned a guest ID number based on credit card number or email address. Depending on what women buy, then can estimate the percentage of how pregnant she is, and then begin sending coupons for things like cribs, diapers, and baby clothing in the mail.

This happened to a young girl in Minneapolis, and her father called in extrememly upset, accusing Target of encouraging the girl to get pregnant. Target apologized, but the father called back soon after to state "things were going on in his house that he was not aware of".


A 35-year old woman boarded the train at Manhattan to Queensboro Plaza around 6:40 am.

She pulled out a knife and started begging for money.. people got scared but a 52-year old woman began mocking her and trying to calm her down, but the 35 year old woman started spitting at her while the older woman just spitted back.

The 35 year old charged the older woman with the knife but another man on 33 grabbed her and held her until the train arrived at Lexington Avenue Station.

Rising Wages Killing Jobs

Albany Democrats are determined to push a 17 percent hike in New York's minimum wage. After The Post and The New York Times ran stories about the hike, many businesses weighed in. Many businesses are against the hike because it will kill jobs since small business are not able to be profitable with current staffing after the hike.

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weird advertising methods

just some stranger ways of advertising

Geico Commercial

I thought the Geico commercial was really strange.  It didn't seem to help Geico any, it was just weird and odd.  The only part about Geico was about saving money, and that wasn't even that long.

WTF=Welcome to fruita

WTF? Welcome to fruita.. People of this city have come up with this but some think its amazing some are offended by it. so the city is just kinda debating whether to advertise the city with this..

NY Dems: let’s kill jobs
Democrats are pushing to raise minimum wage 17% in New York. This is predicted to hurt the economy and possibly putting companies out of business, if passed.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The PS Vita

  I think that some people, like serious gamers, will definitely buy the new PS Vita. But the fact that people have access to free apps and games on their phones will decrease the amount of PS Vitas sold. Especially because it is pretty expensive A new PS Vita with wi-fi is $249, and a 3G version is $299. That is not even including the price of games. They range from $9.99-$49.99 . So in the end, I don't think that Sony will get the results that they need, because why buy a PS Vita  when you can just play a game on your phone?

PlayStation Vita

I think that using all of the methods listed, Sony will be able to reach the target market, mostly because of all the different ways therye advertising it. they know to put up commercials for it for the target groups, like in comedy central shows, and basketball, and probably most importantly, on social media websites. i think Sony has the right idea on how to sell their products.

PS vita

I think i already like it. I was disenchanted with play station after the PS3 came out, but this looks like its going some were. At least it will be better the playing netendogs on the DS. haha

Playstation Vita

I think that with all the promotions, Sony will be able to reach their target market because lots of people like to play video games.


This is a very interesting device that Sony has come out with. They really have met the demanding market for electronic devices which is why i think they will be able to target their market. If i had a PS3 then I would be all over this but unfortunately I am with Xbox.

PlayStation Vita

I honestly couldn't care less about this.  I've never been into video games, and I think they're a waste of time.  However, the fact that you can play video games on a phone now will be detrimental to the PS Vita.  Why would someone go buy an expensive new device when they can get Angry Birds for a couple of dollars on their phone?

Playstation Vita

Since it is years ago they launched the PSP which is the older version of an hand held Playstation, the Vita will probably be huge for gamers out there.

So when you leave your home and your Playstation 3, you can take up your PS Vita and then continue your gaming while you are using the public transport or whatever.

I think it is going to be a success for Sony, and people will buy their product.


I'm not sure if they will be able to reach there intended customers just because of all the technology like phones. I didn't really know 20 year olds played video games i thought it was more of a high school faze... but i think they will be able to sucker in a bunch of high school  kids to get it. Gamers are usually pretty dedicated...

PlayStation Vita

I dont think Sony is going to be very successful in sales for this product. They say the traget market is men in their 20's who play video games 8 hours a day, and have a PlayStation 3. The issue with this is that many men that age are off working hard, in college, or just have more important things to do. I would target the teens because they have more spending money (from parents, jobs, etc.) to spend and also usually have more time and desire to play video games.

PlayStation Vita

Click the above link, read the article and answer this question:  Do you think Sony will be able to reach the target market with advertising for the PlayStation Vita and entice them to purchase and play the product?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Prairie Mountain to lay off 17 workers

Prairie Mountain Publishing, based in Boulder, CO is planning to lay off 17 workers in their design department due to outsourcing.

New ipad 3

     Apple is getting ready for their newest release, the ipad 3. They are preparing for new comercials and demonstrations.

Obama AD

This will show an crazy thing Obama did, and I bet he got blamed on it!

Britains has new ads for tourism

Britain due to the 2012 olimpics have begun to create new advertisements for new tourism during the holiday seasons. these new adds are focused at certain citys and they hope 70% of the population of those citys will see them.

Joint Problems

It's a very appealing ad to all ages. most people know the rivalry between batman and the joker, and portraying this into joint damage is genius. If i had joint aches this ad would get me to look into the product more.

Bad Ads

I thought this ad was pretty funny.  It isn't neccessarily an ad, but it is telling people not to make bad ads--there are consequences.

Best Anti-Smoking Advertisements

The pictures on the side of this site are a bit inappropriate, but the actual content is pretty convincing. There are so many advertisements on the page that are incredibly creative and very eve-opening.

Apple Not Airing Any Super Bowl Ads?

Apple didnt air any super bowl ads, instead Samsung aired their comercials mocking Apple

Free Coffee?

At the Helsinki café Kauko the coffee is free, except there is a catch. While enjoying your coffee in the cafe you are subject to being missed with. Through the cafe's website you can control the height of the tables and chairs, change the lighting and the type of music they are listing to.

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All of the creepy McDonald's commercials

Here's all of the creepy McDonald's commercials. I think they aired in Japan, but I'm not sure.

32 really weird ads

just some different ads that we usually dont see 

22 ads for illegal acts

note that some of these ads have explicit language drug references and dont realy exist. in short dont try any thing seen in these ads

Facebook nice or not...

This article mostly talks bout if people on facebook are mostly kind. Most said yes but bout 10% said no. This talks bout the facts with facebook. A lot said they had gotten in trouble from it or had ended a relationship or gotten in a legit fight or just face to face fight.

Super Bowl Ad Meter winner: Score one for the Doritos baby

The commercial of the grandma slinging a baby to steal a bag of doritos won. This was voted on USA Today/Facebook Super Bowl Ad meter. This winner was out of 55 commercials displayed during the Super Bowl.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012
makes you think about what you would do if it were you.
the creepiest cereal commercials i have ever seen


I think this is a very clever advertisement because it appeals to many groups of people. I'm a person who doesn't really care about car pollution but i can relate to this. I think it's because it not the save the world technique, rather a save your self campaign. 

Sex Ed Classes Less Effective in Certain States

Studies show that sexual education classes in conservative states are less effective; proven by the fact that teen pregnancy rates are higher in these states than in liberal ones. Religious beliefs are said to be a major factor in this. This goes to show that teaching abstinence is very possibly less effective than teaching contraception.

Things Aren't What They Seem

This ad shows what fast food companies such as Burger King, McDonalds, and Taco Bell advertise in commercials versus what the consumer actually gets.  Really interesting contrast.

Old Spice Ad

It's old, but it's still funny. 

Nothing Can Replace a Tree

This page is full of lots of creative print advertisements, but the one that caught my eye was an advocacy for saving trees. They used a light post to create their message.

Commercials Rated by Social Media

Every year since 1989 USA Today has a support group come in and rate the ads from the super bowl. This helps advertisers see how will they did and where they sand. This year USA Today is adding social media to mix to help with the rating of ads.

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Clint Eastwood ad

I would never have guessed this was a political ad, but when I see it again it kinda makes sense.
Clint Eastwood is probably trying to get US back on their feet and replacing Obama next time there is a political voting.
i miss these commercials

Super Bowl ads have gone to the dogs, analyst and consumers say

According to a Cleveland based marketing firm, say dogs have become the most popular symbol in commercials. The Sketchers and M&M commercials were voted the most popular.
'I am certainly not politically affiliated with Mr Obama. It was meant to be a message about just about job growth and the spirit of America. I think all politicians will agree with it.'

- Clint Eastwood

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The Superbowl has gone to the dogs

The most effective ads on the Superbowl were actually those which had animals in them. They are non threatening and easy to relate to people just luv them.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Funny commercial during super bowl

This ad was a serious catcher and will be remembered very well since it is just so darn funny. The only reason this ad works and will generate the revenue is because it will be remembered cause it is not something that will be easily forgotten.

Best and Worst Superbowl commercials

       I think that this website did really good determining which ads were a waste, and which ones were good. I personally really did like the Ferris Bueler's Day Off commercial. I love the movie and I thought the ad was good. I will definitely remember it.

Heroin Addiction Amongst Teens in Pennsylvania

A small town in Pennsylvania has dealt with 6 high school students already being sent to Mountainside Rehab for heroin addiction. The school, and the rehab center, are trying to advertise their educational program to show the dangers of the drug.

Super Bowl Ads Fell Short

I kind of agree with this journalist because it seems that every year they post identical ads as previous years and it's getting old. Super Bowl ads have a name they have to keep up from past years but this year should have been a different kind of comedy, but that unfortunately didn't happen.
Image Detail hahaha

Superbowl ads 2012

The Superbowl ads 2012 were not really good..

They were not as funny as the previous years, only the M&M's one were funny.
I did not like them at all compared to the other Superbowls we had, normally they spend more money and more time I guess to make them stand out and to make people laugh.

Over all rating on the commercials, i'll give them 2/5 stars. The did not impress me at all, there were maybe 2-3 commercials that were funny.

I also saw that some of the commercials the companies worked together, example. one of them had Twinkies in it even though it was not a Twinkies commercial.

superbowl ad lamesauce

Usually, during the super bowl, the ads are funny and all around amazing. However, this year, there was maybe 1 or 2 ads that were even slightly good. i cant even remember any, none of them stuck with me. i think that with the price that people have to pay for an advertising time during the super bowl, why not just go ahead and at least make it interesting or fun to watch, but thats just my opinon

Super Bowl Ads

This article explains (or complains) that the Super Bowl ads this year were boring and predictable.  It even explains why they were predictable and which ones were.  The ads that were explained centered around four things:  celebrities, sex, kids, and humor.

Chevy Sonic Ad

In the Chevy Sonic ad it said it was the first car to do a music video. You can watch the music viedo by going to This video was put together by Chevy and OK Go.

Top 10 Super Bowl Commericals

Here is a list of the top 10 Superbowl Commericals and a description of what the ad was for and what happened during the commerical.

very few funny or good super bowl ad's

i watched several ad's from the super bowl online and a few live and over all i have to say that i was disapponted. i found many of them to be just plain, given they werent all terrible but i feel if these companys are going to pay this much for a slot then they may as well take the time to make them memerable.

Doritos Comercial

The Doritos commercial was what they considered the most effective commercial for Superbowl. It generated 48,498 tweets, 29 percent were good.

Super Bowl Commercials 2012: What are the most anticipated TV ads?

The most anticipated commercials for the Super Bowl were Priceline-The Negotiator, Sketchers-Dog Racing, Kia Optima "A Dream Car. For Real Life" , and Ferris Bueller-Honda CR-V. None of these seemed to catch much of my attention. This year the commercials and half time show were not as good as previous years in my opinion.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ad I want To See

I want to see the the Ad of Matthew Broderick from "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" Ad in the new Honda Cr-V.

Media blitz for superbowl

The media are begining to use multi media devices to advertise on (such as youtube,hulu,ect) and using promotions like free songs or other stuff

Make-Up brands for Young girls

    I think that this was a very interesting article. But what is even more interesting is how some may think that it is wrong for a company to design beauty products, especially anti-aging products for young girls. I definitely understand why some would think of it as innapropriate, I think that it is a good idea. Not neccesarily the anti-aging products, but the make-up. Girls in their pre-teens will naturally want to wear make-up, at least with these products designed for them, they will be able to wear make-up that represents their age.

Twitter or Facebook?

A larger percentage of teens are now starting to use Twitter rather than Facebook, a lot of it due to privacy issues. Facebook is a major online advertiser, and may lose a lot of money if people start switching to Twitter, or Google+: sites that you can post to a group of people, not your entire friends or followers list.  After all, who wants mom & dad seeing everything that you post?

Second Hand Smoke

This ad is a very emotional ad because it really makes you question weather your harming your kid or not. It's really effective because they didn't go the indirect path they just bluntly showed what happens when you smoke around your kid, and i feel this to be true.

jcpenney's New Logo

jcpenney received a new logo that may turn it from a mediocre brand to an American retail store. The logo is even more American with it resembling the flag of the U.S.

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Superbowl ad

They use a lot of famous people for this/these ads, so I think it is pretty cool and creative.

It will also make you laugh a little, so that would be a good ad to show for the Big Game!

Picture ads in e-mails sent by ISP

This is a interesting article cause it shows us just how bad the economy is affecting some people and businesses.

Lip Gloss

I don't think that kids that young need to be wearing makeup.  At that point in life, there isn't really a reason for people to wear makeup.  They need to show their natural beauty--that's the best kind of makeup anyway.
for all those star wars fans this is and ad or trailer for the star wars episode 1 in 3D yeah!!!

camary commercial

Lip gloss....

Girls that age really have no reason to be wearing makeup they are young and that is when you should be the most okay with yourself. They shouldn't be already trying to change them selves they have all of high school and middle school for that. They should be happy and carefree yeah some take an interest at it when they are young but they shouldn't force the others to follow them. They are beautiful with out make up.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It starts with Lip Gloss and superbowl ad preview

What are your thoughts on makeup lines designed specifically for young girls aged 10-14?

Here is a link to some of the celebrities in ads for the superbowl- which do you want to see?

Flying People Advertise Movie

I saw caught by the idea of this! These people are advertising a movie called "Chronicle." I thought it was a cool idea and really made people stop to watch and wonder what was happening. Would you go see this movie after seeing how the company was advertising it?