Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Read this article on the new M and M and respond to my question below:

Read the above article on the new Brown M&M to be introduced during this year's SuperBowl.  Do you think it will be worth it to advertise for a candy product nearly everyone is already familiar with for $3.5 million for a 30 second spot?  Why or why not?


  1. Yes, I think it's all the money worth. When people are watching the Superbowl and a M&M's commercial pop-up, people want to buy their product!

    It is still a lot of money though, 3.5 million dollars for just 30 seconds, and how many times will that commercial show during the Superbowl? A lot.

  2. By all means yes, even though there is already a fan base you can always try to grow and reach people who have not eaten M&M's. Although it will cost them 3.5 million it is well worth it for the entertainment.

  3. Well knowing about the superbowl and its commercials I know that any type of sponsoring within the superbowl is bound to make a huge profit maybe even twice as much as they spent on the making for the commercial but I'm not sure it will make a drastic change but there may be some of an increase of consumers for the M&M's company since its already a well liked product.

  4. No, i dont thik that it is worth all the money because as you said everyone knows M&M's. Adding a new color doesn't mean that they are making a change in flavor or anything like that so it's not worth it to pay that much to advertise the same thing they have always been selling.

  5. It is worth it because when their commercial hits the air, people will see it and then they will start buying it cause people are Subsiptible to getting thier mind changed because a new thought entered thier mind that made them hungery for M&M's

  6. i dont see this making a large change in the sales of M&M's. As allways there will be a change but I dont see it being very large i think that the cost of making the ad and putting it on the air will most likely cost Mars candys more then they will gain. if they were to post this comercial on other networks where the people watching are more likely to want candy like a childrens channel where it would cost less to show then i think they could make a much larger profit rather than advertising to people who already know and buy the product.

  7. Spending $3.5 million on anything is a lot of money. I can see both sides of the argument, if there is one. There are a lot of people who faithfully enjoy m&ms. It would be worth all the money to remind people of the candy they love and to give them something new, even if it is just a new color. There are lots of viewers during the superbowl and they will get a huge amount of income from those 30 seconds of commerical time. And the new character is not just another color, but a new personality that people can connect with and enjoy. On the other hand, people already love and will pay for the candy. So, it seems to be redundant and the money could be used in other places like production and distribution. You just have to weigh the opportunity costs.

  8. It probably won't sell as well as they think. When big companies change things, people tend to get pissed.

    Or at least most of the time. It might turn out to be pleaseantly pleasing.
