Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Unbelievable advertising lab in NYC

Follow this link and read the article to learn about a new high-tech advertising lab in NYC- post a quick comment on your thoughts as to whether or not you think it is worth the expense- dd


  1. That's pretty cool. It seems a bit intrusive though. And it would be a little distracting to have all of this technology hooked up to you just to watch a movie/tv or browse the web.

    But cool nonetheless.

  2. i think that this lab would be worth the money spent on it, but it is really an invasion of space.

  3. I agree with cooper his response is excactly like mine but he got to it first.

  4. I think that it would be worth the cost. Because the feedbask is amidiate. Due to all of there sencers and bimetric meters.
    I think its a great way of vewer studying.

  5. It is very interesting way to unlock the key to advertising. Although it seems intrusive, as long as the test subjects are getting paid then I think it is a great idea.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If it helps sell a product better it is worth it.

  8. i think the expense for this will be well worth it because you will gain very important knowledge on how people react to different advertising techniques

  9. The amount of money the company puts into the research of the success of their advertising would depend on the cost of their product and the income they make each year. If they have a low-cost product that does not sell as much, I don't think it would be worth testing in an expensive lab. Those companies with more technological or expensive products would have better success testing their advertising and the general public's reaction to it.
