Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Spot: Airline to Heaven - McCann Oslo brings the magic back to air travel with a spot for a Norwegian carrier

IDEA: It's a sad irony that flying, literally the most aspirational of human pursuits, has become synonymous with pure hell. Customer-service failures are the norm, to the point where one major U.S. airline now openly likens the industry to a violent game show almost no one can win. Now and again, airlines attempt to claim a loftier purpose—United's animated spots from the mid-2000s come to mind—but the typical customer experience can make a mockery of such ads. Now, however, a regional carrier in Norway called Widerøe has produced something transcendental for the category: A quiet spot from McCann Oslo that simply and beautifully recaptures the sense of wonder about flying through a subtle, delightful metaphor that makes the ad itself a minor miracle. Flying is magical, it indelibly claims. So, in its own way, is the ad.


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