Thursday, November 1, 2012

Colorado 4-Year-Old Is Tired Of 'Bronco Bama' And Mitt Romney
With less than one week to go before Election Day, it's safe to say that many Americans feel a bit of election fatigue. At the Al Smith dinner earlier this month, even President Barack Obama joked that "sometimes it feels like this race has gone on forever."
But out of the mouths of babes we often get the truth and, like so many of us, this Fort Collins 4-year-old is ready for this election season to end.
"I'm tired of Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney," A teary-eyed Abigael tells her mother in the video.
Evans told 9News that she and her daughter were listening to NPR when Abigael starting tearing up.
"That's why you're crying?" Elizabeth asks to which Abigael starts to cry and cough. "It'll be over soon, Abby. The election will be over soon, okay?"
Abigael then tries to get a hold of herself and responds to her mother with a tearful, "Okay."
Elizabeth Evans posted this video yesterday to her YouTube account after the young girl heard "one too many mentions of the election," Evans describes on her YouTube page.
Hang in there Abigael -- just a few more days, just a few more days.

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