Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kony 2012 Social Media Campaign

Or read this article/blog about the social media campaign against Kony, the despicable Ugandan militant leader wanted of war crimes since 2005:

If you haven't heard/seen of Kony, follow this link for some background information:


  1. It is good that someone is trying to help the people over in Africa. Its too bad that this kind of stuff happens. Hopefully in time the situation will be resolved.

  2. i feel that its kind of necciary to let uganda solve this issue themselves. im not saying that we should just pull out and say good luck, but this is a bit over kill selling 30$ braclets to help these kids that I would be willing to bet wont be getting any where near all of it. this is an over reaction of the people in america. if people really cared they would have acted much sooner and most likely more proactivly.
