Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kony 2012

Well this is a very touchy subject, and I hope that I'm not thought of as heartless for my opinion. Where do i begin? well first off i would like to ask why is it now that we are paying attention to the "invisible children" because some beginning cinematographer wants to do what's right? Sure I feel bad for them, and maybe sometime there will be an appropriate time to save them. i feel like the world has always known about Africa and  their children, but it's now that some guy is shoving it in our faces that we pay attention to it? how absurd. also they want to send more peace troops to get Kony, and this guy can only do that if the people of the untied states want it. Now it seems easy just send some troops and capture or kill Kony, but wait! Kony's organization it's similar to the Taliban. you kill the leader and the next person in charge takes over, it never ends. Also think, if one of our soldiers get shot and killed it could start a war! The goal with capturing Kony is to create peace but i predict that it will only create more hate. i say this because some of our troops will likely be killed which will create a never ending hate cycle in the troop's family.     

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