Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Rush Limbaugh Advertising Controversy

Read this article and be prepared to discuss the controversy in class. 


  1. i think that the boycot is fairly well grounded. it's to avoid loosing popularity with the people because they could be linked to a contrivercial subject and thus seen as suportive of it. all the poeple paying for ads want is to make money and this would inhibit that

  2. Everyone says stupid stuff on national radio and television. Its happened before and it'll happen again. With some time I think this controversy will blow over.

  3. I can understand why they felt the need to revise the advertising schedule for a few weeks. Limbaugh hurt his reputation as a host and as a conservative. People need time to let him build up his reputation again or cool off from the effects.

  4. when ever i here the name rush limbaugh i change the subject because my grandma all she talks about is what limbaugh said so i didnt realy care for this no offense.
