Wednesday, March 14, 2012

RE: Kony 2012

Of course we all know about the Kony 2012 business, and I do agree that it's bad and should be stopped. However, the way that they're going about doing it is completely misguided and illegitimate.

First off, they're trying to raise awareness of Kony by spreading around the name. That is going to accomplish nothing, because in the video he said that someone has to know where he is, if only we can get to them. Yes, a lot of people know where he is hiding, but does he honestly think that they're going to openly admit what Kony's plans are, or even where he's located?

Next, Kony isn't even in Uganda anymore. He was last reported there a long time ago, and has been spotted elsewhere. The campaign is trying to assemble people to Uganda, but that's going to accomplish absolutely nothing. They'd be better off trying to find him on Google Maps.

Third, they're wasting more than 70% of the income they're getting. It's a non-profit organization, so they're not getting paid. What does that leave the money to? More advertising. Advertising is getting them nowhere fast, and back to my first point, it isn't going to find Kony. They should donate the money to the government teams, specialists, and resources. With all of the people that found the video and support the cause, they could easily raise millions of dollars. That kind of money would be at better use actually finding him than advertising.

Now, I understand why some people support the cause. Kony is an evil man and should, in every way, shape, and form, be stopped and arrested, if not executed, but this cause isn't going to help. He's been around for years, and just awareness of him hasn't done anything in the past, and won't in the future.

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