Tuesday, October 30, 2012

‘Paranormal Activity’ Targets Latinos in New & Future Thriller

Similar to the presidential candidates catering to Latinos for votes, Hollywood wants to cash in on the multi-million dollar Hispanic marketing power. With a strong opening by the super-creepy found-footage movie Paranormal Activity 4 this past weekend – much of it bolstered by Latino audiences – Paramount Pictures is seeking to capitalize on this unexpected fan base.

Read more: http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/entertainment/2012/10/22/hollywood-targets-latinos-with-horror-thriller-paranomal-activity/#ixzz2An2xpkSp

advertising relearned for mobile


Obama Campaign to Respond to Romney’s Ohio Jeep Ad


            This article is about a tevivison commerical in Ohio about Governer Romney moving Chrysler Group LLC moving Jeep production to China and saving American jobs. The tv commerical is causeing people false impressions because it's not the whole story. Today in Ohio, President Obama is supposed to respond to what he is saying what Mitt Rommeny is saying by a tv commerical.

CNN Poll: Romney 50% – Obama 49% in Florida


According to a CNN/ORC International poll released Monday, 50% of likely voters in the Sunshine State say they are backing Republican nominee Mitt Romney, with 49% supporting President Barack Obama. The former Massachusetts governor's one point margin is well within the survey's sampling error.
"The results are unchanged from a one-point margin for Romney in mid-October, except for each candidate gaining a percentage point and the number of truly undecided voters dwindling away to almost nothing," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.
The survey indicates that there is a slightly larger pool of persuadable voters, often called "uncommitted voters" in this election cycle.
"Roughly five percent of Florida's likely voters say they are truly undecided or have a preference but have not completely made up their minds. Those are the voters in whose hands rests the outcome in the Sunshine State - and possibly the national outcome as well," adds Holland.
According to the poll, a large gender gap has re-opened in Florida, with 55% of men supporting Romney and 54% of women favoring Obama. Generational and income gaps appear as well, with Obama doing better among younger and lower-income voters and Romney ahead among those 50 and older and among those making more than $50,000 per year.

Nonsensical political advertising


This article is just about how much lies are being used on both sides of the political ad campaign. They are both using unlawful tactics to get votes. I personally don't like either.

mitt romney style

just a funny video that peoplpe made about mitt romney to the song gangnam style by psy. it has innapproiarte words but it is just funny to me

Romney vs Big Bird

Obama commercial in response to the Romney and Big Bird battle. "Its not Wall ST you have to worry about, its Sesame Street!" Big Bird says thay he does not need the government substidies, Sesame Street have some of the biggest companies sponsoring him.


Ron Paul + A scary quote for everyone to see


Uses strong words.  Heres a QUOTE that everyone needs to see by the way:

 Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
David Rockefeller

Mitt Romney: Right Choice


Romney attacking Obama saying that he would just send a welfare check to those who needed it and not make them work for it while Romney would make them work for it

We Can't Afford Four More Years


This political add is talking about how we can't afford four more years of obama being president. He wants the middle class to pay for the poor. He also wants to cut the military which is keeping us safe.

"Get Real" - Obama for America TV Ad


Obama for America TV Ad: "Firms"

A tv ad for "Obama for America"

Political Commercial


Decide His Future: Vote 2012

they are appealling to peoples emotions.

Recent Political Ads


Recent Political Ads of the campaign

political ad


Most Recent Campaign Ads


Democrats for Democrats


I think this pro-Obama commercial is creative and a good way to bring in those who supported Clinton but currently do not support Obama.

Political ads make a run for the border

While a record-breaking $3.3 billion is expected to be spent nationwide on political ads this season, relatively little of that cash is flowing into the Twin Cities TV market. But it's boom times for Minnesota stations in smaller markets along the borders of battleground states Wisconsin and Iowa. Campaigns have spent less than expected in the Twin Cities because President Obama appears to have a sizable lead in the metro. At one point, it looked like the Twin Cities' reach into its eastern neighbor would generate cash on the Minnesota side, just as it did during the attempt to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker last spring. They predicted earlier this year that the Twin Cities' "political heat" would be a six out of 10. About 25 percent of the station's advertising comes from political groups. While one might think many are fed up with the barrage of ads, Martinson said the KIMT phone lines have not been lit up by frustrated viewers.

Some powerful 2012 Political Ads





Friday, October 26, 2012

Train or Plane? More Travelers Choose Both


European countries people usual would choose to take a train as much as flying. To travel over there the trains go a lot farther than ours and are used more often. We usualy prefer a plain i think i t would be cool to try a train.

Do Political Ads Actually Work?


        Both democrats and republicians spend 1 billion on the ads that they run for the Presidential race. From April to October the ads have shown to be negative in a 7 to 1 ratio. In a report it says that even though there are alot of the policitical commericals people aren't compilteley tunning out of the commericals. As long as voters are still undecided the tv ads will continue to run.

2012 Lotus Evora S


This car has a sourced 3.5L toyota V6 that has a supercharger added to it.  It can produce 345 HP at 7000rpms.  It only costs $76,100.  It gets 16 MPG city and 32 MPG highway.  

Giants play small ball to win Game 2


The Giants beat the Tigers last night 2-0 to take a two games to none World Series lead. Game 3 will be Saturday in Detroit

Deranged nanny allegedly kills two children.


A deranged nanny savagely murdered a media executive’s two young kids inside a posh upper West Side apartment Thursday — and then slit her own throat in a botched suicide attempt, police said.

The children’s mother, Marina Krim, walked into her W. 75th St. apartment about 5:25 p.m. and found a scene of unimaginable horror: her 6-year-old daughter and 2-year-old son lying motionless in a blood-soaked bathtub. Each had multiple stab wounds.

On the floor beside them was the kids’ critically injured nanny, Yoselyn Ortega, and the kitchen knife she used to carry out the heinous attack, police said.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/mass-stabbing-west-side-article-1.1192419#ixzz2APeLHQKA

Whole Foods caught in GMO marketing deception, false advertising - here's the proof

A bombshell investigative video just released by Infowars.com has exposed what can only be called false and misleading advertising by Whole Foods. It all began when InfoWars reporters Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton visited Whole Foods last week to try to find out what customers thought about Whole Foods stores selling so many unlabeled genetically modified foods. That fact was recently admitted by Whole Foods in its own blog post.

As you can see in the video, some customers were shocked to discover that Whole Foods sells GMOs in their store. The majority of Whole Foods customers, it turned out, had no idea the company was selling GMO.

While talking with customers on camera, Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton were approached by a Whole Foods executive named Libba Letton. She handles investor relations with Whole Foods, and she's also in charge of food safety. In an on-camera interview, she admitted that Whole Foods stores do sell unlabeled GMOs, but her justification for that was that stores everywhere are selling unlabeled GMOs.



Victimization Tied to Teen Suicidal Thoughts

Teens who are harassed by  caretakers or by peers or who were sexually assaulted are more than twice as likely to consider suicide as those who are not victimized, researchers found.
In a study assessing the effects of multiple forms of victimization on teens' suicidal ideation, being the target of parental maltreatment , sexual assault , and peer victimization  were significantly associated with suicidal ideation, according to Heather Turner.
Teens who had been polyvictimized -- those exposed to seven or more types of harassment -- in the past year were nearly six times as likely to think about suicide (OR 5.81, 95% CI 3.09 to 10.15), they wrote online in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.

for more information: http://www.medpagetoday.com/Pediatrics/GeneralPediatrics/35489

Another Die Hard Movie


A new Die Hard is coming out in 2013 it is Called A Good Day To Die Hard

TV ratings don't dictate commercial prices, Ad Age survey says


The most-watched TV drama is "NCIS" on CBS. The biggest comedy is "The Big Bang Theory," also on CBS.
So those shows should be the most expensive to advertise on, right?
Advertising Age has come out with its annual look at what commercials cost on broadcast TV shows. Even though CBS has some of the most popular shows on television, it is not getting the most money for commercials on its hot programs.
A 30-second spot on "NCIS" costs $166,649, according to Advertising Age. A commercial on NBC's "Sunday Night Football" runs $545,142. So far this season, "NCIS" is averaging 20.5 million viewers compared with 20.4 million for "Sunday Night Football."
It costs almost $331,000 to advertise on ABC's "Modern Family," which is about $60,000 more than a spot on "The Big Bang Theory," even though the latter has a bigger audience.
The reason "Modern Family" and "Sunday Night Football" get more for commercials than "NCIS" or "Big Bang Theory" has to do with Madison Avenue's obsession with 18-49 viewers. "Sunday Night Football" and "Modern Family" have more younger viewers than "NCIS" and "Big Bang Theory."

China v. New York Times

HONG KONG — The Chinese government swiftly blocked access Friday morning to the English-language and Chinese-language Web sites of The New York Times from computers in mainland China in response to an article in both languages describing the wealth accumulated by the prime minister's family.
The authorities were also blocking attempts to mention The Times or the prime minister, Wen Jiabo, in postings on Sina Weibo, an extremely popular mini-blogging service in China that resembles Twitter.
The Foreign Ministry spokesman on duty in Beijing early Friday morning did not answer phone calls seeking comment.
China maintains the world’s most extensive and sophisticated system for Internet censorship, employing tens of thousands of people to monitor what is said, delete entries that contravene the country’s extensive and unpublished regulations and even write new entries that are favorable to the government.

Read more at:

Apple Retail Stores Do $4.2B Worth Of Sales In Q4 2012, Beats Out Q3 Earnings

Today, as we check out Apple’s Q4 2012 earnings, we learned that the company did an amazing $4.2B in sales in its retail stores alone. In Q3, that number was about $4B.


Retail sales volumes up 0.9% in September

The volume of retail sales increased by 0.9% in the month of September, according to official figures released today. The CSO numbers also show an annual increase of 1.4%. If motor trades are excluded, the volume of retail sales increased by 0.6% in September 2012 when compared with August 2012 and there was an annual increase of 1.4%. The sectors with the largest month-on-month volume increases are bars (4.5%) and electrical goods (2.8%) and department stores (2.6%). The largest monthly decreases were seen in books, newspapers & stationery (-10.7%), fuel (-1.8%) and food, beverages & tobacco – specialised stores (-1.5%). The value of retail sales increased by 0.9% in September 2012 when compared with August 2012 and there was an annual increase of 2.2%. If motor trades are excluded, there was a monthly increase of 0.5% in the value of retail sales and an annual increase of 2.2%.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cowboys LB Lee may need season-ending surgery


Dallas Cowboys linebacker Sean Lee may need season-ending toe surgery, as per the club's website. Irving, TX (Sports Network) - Dallas Cowboys linebacker Sean Lee may need season-ending toe surgery, as per the club's website.
Lee, in his third year with the Cowboys, reportedly suffered the injury in the second half of Sunday's win over the Panthers and did not return

Mario Williams considering bye week surgery

Buffalo Bills defensive end Mario Williams could have surgery on his injured left wrist during the team's by week, according to the Buffalo News.Williams, who signed a lucrative six-year, $100 million free agent contract in the off-season, has 3.5 sacks thus far, but the Bills defense has been a major disappointment this season, their latest struggle coming in Sunday's 35-34 loss to Tennessee.

Two teenage brothers charged with murdering South Jersey girl Autumn Pasquale


Autumn Pasquale's body was found in a bin in a house next to the suspects' home.

A teenage boy used bike parts to lure a 12-year-old South Jersey girl into his house and then, with his older brother, killed her, police said Tuesday.
The pair then allegedly dumped Autumn Pasquale’s strangled body next door in a recycling bin.
One of the cruel teens even posted something about her murder on Facebook while her parents and dozens of other terrified residents in tiny Clayton, N.J., searched frantically for her, Gloucester County Prosecutor Sean Dalton said.
When the boys’ mother saw the posting, she turned in her 15- and 17—year-old sons, he said. “There’s evil everywhere, even in the small town of Clayton,” Autumn’s uncle, Paul Spadafora, said.
It was a horrific development in a fast-moving tragedy that began Saturday when Autumn rode off on her bike, bound for a nearby park — and vanished without a trace just days before her 13th birthday

Ads targeted at renting homes during Super Bowl under scrutiny


Websites in New Orleans are recruiting homeowners to rent their houses out during Superbowl week to fans. Some properties could bring upwards to $10,000 a day.

After a celebrity scandal like Armstrong's, sponsors like Nike weigh their options

At least five other companies have dropped Armstrong like he was a hot potato after Nike did.  But why is this time so much different from any of the other scandals that Nike has gone through with their athletes?  For one thing, those other cases- Tiger Woods cheating on his wife, Michael Vick with his illegal dog fighting- these scandals didn't affect the athletes proformances.  Armstrong cheated, though.  Nike wants to be associated with great athletes, not preformence enhancing drug takers that only win because they are doing things that other teams wont do because (1)its unethical and (2)its not their own personal strength thats taking them through the race.

Iron Man 3


Iron Man 3 is going to be coming out in 2013

Swing-state voters hit with mail ad barrage


                   This article is about swing state voters getting tons of mail ads from the Presidential canidates. Voters are getting too much mail. The problem with voters getting too much mail is that they don't even look at it anymore, it goes from the mailbox to the recycling bin. 1.8 policical mail was sent in 2010.

2012 Ducati 1199 Panigale First Look


This bike weights only 362 puonds.  It produces 195 hp, which is more than the average 4 cylinder car engine.  It costs $17,995 for the basic, $22,995 for the ‘S’, and $27,995 for the ‘Tricolore’.

Crowdfunding advertising an SEC concern


How much online advertising is too much?
That's one of the questions before the Securities and Exchange Commission as it finalizes regulations to let companies raise money from investors through crowdfunding.
The advertising regulations are one of a slew of issues the SEC must address in order to implement the federal Jumpstart Our Business Startups (Jobs) Act, which includes a provision that will allow startups to raise money by selling shares to investors through websites known as funding portals.

Guess Which Fast-Food Chain Became One of Republicans' Top Five Brands This Year


Chick-fila has become one of the top five republican supporters. Republicans also support chick-fila even more. What happened with the gay marrage statement has made republicans show there support during the protests to chick fila.

Cyberbullying a factor in teen suicide, but not only reason

When it comes to teen suicides, cyberbullying is rarely the sole leading mechanism of peer torment. teens who commit suicide are usually depressed and experience bullying both at school and online. Overall, 41 cases of suicide were identified from the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. The majority of cases (24) were females compared to 17 cases in males ages 13 to 18. The end results of the study found 78 percent of young adults who committed suicide were bullied both at school and online, with 17 percent targeted online only. Of the social media used to bully, Facebook and Formspring were specifically mentioned in 21 cases, with text or video messaging mentioned in 14 cases. Suicide case reports were found to increase over time, going from 56 percent between 2003 and 2010 to 44 percent between January 2011 and April 2012 alone.

Ads targeted at renting homes during Super Bowl under scrutiny


This article is about how homeowners in the New Orleans area are setting their houses up for rent due to the up coming superbowl. The 2012 Superbowl is being hosted in New Orleans which is already creating a max amount of revenue for the city. To add to the profit even more homeowners are willing to rent out their houses for maximum prices a day just so people have a place to stay during the superbowl.

5 sales techniques to get hired

. Itemize your perfect job
Hunt, qualify and match opportunities to your list
 Schedule practice interviews and ask for feedback
Why do you want the job
. Get the offer and the better package

Negative Adds: The Best There Is

“All informed decisions demand knowing the good and the bad,” John Geer, chairman of the Department of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, told a group of MTSU students and faculty Tuesday afternoon.
Geer made the comments as part of a one-hour symposium, “Advertising and the 2012 Presidential Election, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.”
An expert on negative political advertisements, Geer noted that though they have bad and ugly components, negativity in ads can force candidates to be accountable.
“Negative ads are more likely to be specific about the issues of the campaign,” Geer said.

Read More at:

Monday, October 22, 2012



New movie called prototype might come out in 2013

Obama to take campaign to 'Tonight Show' Wednesday


President Barack Obama will be sitting down with Jay Leno on the set of "The Tonight Show" Wednesday, less than two weeks before Election Day.
NBC says Wednesday night's appearance will be Obama's fifth on "The Tonight Show," his third since he became president.

Armstrong is OUT

Nike forgave Tiger Woods after he apologized for cheating on his wife. It welcomed back Michael Vick once he served time for illegal dog-fighting. But the company dropped Lance Armstrong faster than the cyclist could do a lap around the block.
What's the difference? A marketer's prerogative.
The world's largest clothing and footwear maker has stood by athletes through a number of scandals over the years, but this week it became the first company to sever ties with Armstrong in the wake of allegations that he used illegal drugs to boost his performance during his 20-plus year racing career.

Read more at:

First Look: 2011 Porsche 918 Spyder Hybrid Concept


This new concept averages 78mpg.   It produces over 700hp with both of its motors.  It has a top speed of just under 200mph.  It cost $845k and is made to order.

Minnesota 16-year-old shot with arrow by friend and dies

Spencer Swanson died monday night after being shot in the head by a friend around 6:30 PM on saturday night.  The circumstances are still unclear and an investigation is still going on.  The arrow that was shot had no tip and this was really a freak accident.  Swanson's friends and class mates went to Facebook and Twitter to express their sorrow for the junior.  He went to the Integrated Arts Academy in Chaska, an alternative high school that had just opened last month.

San Francisco Named Super Bowl Bid Finalist, 'Bring The Bowl To The Bay' Campaign Rallies Support

The bidding battle is on for 2016's Super Bowl number 50, and on Tuesday NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell narrowed it down to two teams: the Miami Dolphins and our own San Francisco 49ers.
San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee wasted no time supporting the news, partnering with local advertising giant Goodby Silverstein & Partners to launch Bring the Bowl to the Bay, a social media support campaign for the bid, on Thursday.
The campaign includes a social media aggregation website, a hashtag (#SFSuperBowl) and Facebook, Twitter and Google+ pages that aim to rally widespread support for the bid.

Google pushes way into mobile advertising


          This article is about google trying to push their advertising to China. Moble advertising will help google boost its status. China has come into the top five country's that google advertises in.

Media Agency Leaders Respond to Newsweek Decision


The Newsweek paper has decided to not publish news papers anymore they will only post their paper online. Several companies have spent millions of dollars on advertising in this paper and this decision made them very mad.

Google pushes way into mobile advertising


Mobile advertising is one of the few high-key strategies announced by Google China, which, being low-key in itself, shrank its business portfolio in the country last month amid a declining market share.
The company intends to increase its footprint in the mobile advertising sector with its solutions that enable advertisements to be shown on mobile applications, Web pages, mobile search results and online videos.

Holiday retail sales heat up


Don't try to tell retailers that it's too early for holiday shopping. Demand is already high for some toys.
Toys R Us has stopped accepting reservations for the Tabeo tablet and Wii U game console because of high demand this past month. The retailer offers a hot-toy holiday reservations list, which allows consumers to reserve popular items for purchase later in the season.
Wal-Mart told investors this past week that the company has already lined up $400 million in early holiday layaway sales in its program that launched a month earlier than it did in 2011. That $400 million is more than half the amount that shoppers put in layaway at Walmart stores during all of last year's holiday season. Top items so far this year include 50-inch televisions, Apple's iPad tablet computer and trampolines.

Retail sales continued to fall last quarter

September was the most challenging month of the quarter. It recorded a drop in sales of almost 1.5% from the same month last year. It cites pre-budget speculation as the main reason, which caused a decrease in consumer sentiment that month. The worst performing sectors in the third quarter were IT, which was down almost 20% on the same quarter last year, and gardening equipment, down 8.5% on the third quarter of 2011. The best performing sectors included Consumer Electronics and Home Appliances, both recording an increase in sales in the third quarter compared to last year.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

New movie Prototype


A new movie called prototype coming out in 2013

Minnesota16-year-old shot with arrow by friend dies

Friends of Spencer Swanson, who died after his friend reportedly shot him with an arrow by accident, took to the Facebook page “R.I.P Spencer Swanson” to express their grief and honor his memory.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/minn-teen-shot-head-arrow-dies-article-1.1186250#ixzz29erq7wJ2

Economy seen holding down Arizona's birth rate

Arizona has a lower childbirth rate for the fifth year in a row.  this is attributed to tight wallets and fewer teen pregnancies.  this often happens often during recessions

The Dodge Tomahawk Concept Motorcycle


This concept features a 500 hp Viper V-10 engine.  It has a 0-60 of 2.5 seconds and a theoretical top speed of 400 mph.  It costs $555k and only several have been built.    

Target starts holiday ads well before Halloween


          This article is about Target already starting their Holiday ads. It is usual to start Hoilday ads this early, but Target is. The first commerical aired monday in Minnesota. Kim Finnerty said that the best time to market to people for the Hoildays is early, but not many company's start early on their ads, so that the company knows forsure that they will get a fair share of retail sales for the Hoilday.

Danica Patrick in limbo with Go Daddy


Caution lights are flashing for racing star Danica Patrick's lucrative gig with Go Daddy.
The advertising future of Go Daddy's go-to girl appears to be in limbo as Go Daddy is about to announce the hiring of a new ad agency, Deutsch NY, which will have freedom to drop the sexy racing star from the Web domain company's Super Bowl ad lineup.
Patrick, 30, has starred in more Super Bowl spots â?? 10 â?? than any other celebrity, including Michael Jordan and Cindy Crawford. Overall, she's appeared in 22 Go Daddy commercials since 2007 and is believed to earn upwards of $1 million annually for those commercial efforts. But Patrick has not appeared in a Go Daddy spot for months, and the company says it has no current plans to feature her in any spots at least through January.

During Heated Debate, Twitter Slows Down


The first debate on Oct. 4 in Denver set a record for activity on Twitter for a political event, with users of the social network site generating more than 10.3 million messages. Tuesdays dropped by three million.

Legalize marijuana...FOR THE KIDS!!!

The campaign to regulate marijuana's lead argument in their grueling battle with organizations like 1,000,000 mom's will be airing an add soon all over the state of Colorado:

The proceeds generated from marijuana sales shouldn't go to the drug cartels, they should go to the schools!

Read more at:


Apple loses Tablet Design Patent Appeal in the UK, Must Run Apology Ads


Apple will have to run apology ads

Apple and Samsung have been tied up in a UK court for quite some time following Apple's allegations that Samsung infringed on its patents with the design of the Galaxy Tab. Apple may have won a massive jury verdict against Samsung in the United States after Samsung was found to have infringed on patents having to do with smartphones, but the same can't be said about tablets in the UK.

The judge presiding over the appeal case in the UK has stymied Apple and upheld the original ruling. The original ruling stipulated that Apple had to run advertisements in certain papers and magazines to "correct the damaging impression" that Samsung is a copy.

The appeals judge did not overturn the decision to force Apple to run apology ads. BBC reports that the judge noted, "Because this case (and parallel cases in other countries) has generated much publicity, it will avoid confusion to say what this case is about and not about.”

Red Bull Sponsoring Daredevil Felix Baumgartner May Usher In Marketing Investment in Science


Now that Felix Baumgartner has dropped out of the sky and plummeted safely to earth courtesy of Red Bull, will we see brands move heavily into the sponsorship of science and research?
From a marketing perspective, Red Bull stayed right on message. Their tagline is "Red Bull Gives You Wings." They are involved in a number of sponsorships that emphasize the product benefit—energy in a can—thanks to healthy doses of sugar and caffeine. Those sponsorships include racing, surfing, mountain biking, soccer, bull-fighting, basketball , the X-Games and adrenaline-inducing athletic activities like cliff diving and even an event called Crashed Ice which is a combination of ice hockey, downhill skating and boardercross.

OMG! How Teens Respond to Email…Srsly

When drafting email text for teenagers and young adults, make sure your copy is short. My research has shown that shorter copy beats longer copy every time, even if the longer copy is much more compelling and entertaining. Don't try and explain your message; just provide a couple sentences that tell the reader what you're asking them to do, embed a large picture, and link to your action-step. You have to earn young peoples' attention now, because when it comes to the Internet, they've been there, done that. It said that teen life for the adults now, is not the same as the teens who are living today. Plus, for most teens, if you don't send their email to a mobile compatible one, you've lost them because that's what they're on all the time these days. Although, that's not how I take it.

 Microsoft Acquires MarketingPilot To Bolster Dynamics CRM

Microsoft seems to be back on a mini acquisition spree. It acquired a cloud storage vendor, StorSimple, earlier this week. Today, it made yet another small acquisition, a marketing software company called MarketingPilot. MarketingPilot makes automated marketing solutions which could be integrated with Microsoft’s own offerings like Dynamics CRM.
MarketingPilot offers an integrated marketing management solution for lead and advertisement buying management. It was apparently a quick acquisition and a rather small one.
While Microsoft continues to focus on the Windows 8 launch, it also works to improve its enterprise offerings, which form a major chunk of its overall revenue.
With Dynamics CRM, Microsoft competes with Oracle, SAP and Salesforce.com among others.

Read more at http://techie-buzz.com/tech-news/microsoft-acquires-marketingpilot-to-bolster-dynamics-crm.html#GVQLoXW5DhGFlcXf.99

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sorry Clint Eastwood: Another Chrysler ad broke through


Chrysler's most pivotal commercial in recent years wasn't the Super Bowl ad with Eminem in 2011.
And it wasn't this year's Super Bowl ad with Clint Eastwood. The most important Chrysler commercial in recent years made its debut in June 2010 for the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

Marketers Slow To Embrace Hispanic Digital Media


Are marketers bad at math?

The question arose in the context of an ID Media-sponsored panel session Thursday that explored Hispanic media issues and the growing Latino population in the United States.

A pair of startling statistics was presented at the opening of the session: 16% of the U.S. population is currently Latino, while only 1% of U.S. marketing dollars are targeted toward reaching that population.

Toyota - New TV Spot

Cats hate being packed up in crates and dragged to the vet. But maybe they'll relent—hell, maybe they'll start to enjoyit—if you drive them there in a Toyota Corolla. That's the premise of this amusing new 90-second spot from Toyota New Zealand (via Saatchi & Saatchi in Auckland) starring an exceedingly furry feline who enjoys his time in the Corolla so much that he begins to orchestrate accidents that force ever more visits to the animal hospital.

Where's the lighting?

Head coach Turner is starting to question Philip Rivers from last nights game against the Broncos

Audi R8 GT Spyder review


This car was newly tuned and bumped up to 552hp, and the rev limiter will cut it off at 8500rpm.  Its 0-62 is 3.8 seconds. It will cost about $300,000.

Peyton Manning leads history-making comeback for Broncos


Peyton Manning has been here before. Trailing in the fourth quarter and engineering a comeback victory is nothing new, but given everything he’s been through  and his complete absence from the NFL in 2011, there was more than a moment of doubt among those watching the “Monday Night Football” game between the Denver Broncos and San Diego Chargers.
There shouldn’t have been.
Behind Manning, the Broncos erased a 24-point deficit, capitalizing on Chargers turnovers, and scored 35 points in the second half for a 35-24 victory. The game-winning, fourth-quarter drive was the 47th of Manning’s career, tying Dan Marino for the most in NFL history

Super Bowl ad blitz begins

over 90% of the superbowl ads are taken already.

IPhone helped retail sales, but only a touch


       This article is about how the iPhone 5 helped retail sales, but they didn't go up that much. They sales jumped 1.1% in September, overal it helped our economy. Chains like Best Buy there sales went up 4.5% and that has been the biggest increase in those chains since October 2011. All in all the iPhone has helped retail sales go up.

Strong TV Advertising Bolsters Gannett’s Quarterly Results


Gannett reported gains in its earnings and revenue on Monday, exceeding Wall Street’s expectations, as the media company benefited from strong television advertising during the Olympics and the political campaign season.
The company, which operates the largest American newspaper chain in terms of circulation, said its third-quarter net income rose 33 percent, to $133.1 million, or 56 cents a share, compared with $99.8 million, or 41 cents a shares, in the period a year earlier. Analysts had expected earnings of 53 cents a share in the latest quarter, according to those surveyed by Thomson Reuters.

Stuart Elliott


This article is talking about how mr elliott was the lead advertiser for the New York times. He wrote newsarticles and the advertising adds for the paper.

Romney, Big Bird and the Nuke

Here is a series of four of the most controversial political adds of all time:

Obama's "Big Bird" Commercial

Romney's "Mute Button" Commercial

Obama's "47%" Commercial

And Johnson's "Little Girl Nuke" Commercial.

Read more at:


5 Sales Techniques to Get Hired

Itemize your perfect job, Hunt, qualify and match opportunities to your list, Schedule practice interviews and ask for feedback, give yourself reasons why you want the job, and get the offer and better package.

IPhone helped retail sales, but only a touch


Sales of the new iPhone 5, of course, were astronomical last month. Apple (US:AAPL) sold more than 5 million units globally after the latest version went on sale in late September.
The launch of iPhone helped deliver a boost to retail sales. They jumped 1.1% in September, above Wall Street’s expectations of a 0.9% gain. The iPhone may have accounted entirely for the upside surprise — and maybe a touch more. Read about September retail sales.

Sorry Clint Eastwood: Another Chrysler ad broke through


COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Chrysler's most pivotal commercial in recent years wasn't the Super Bowl ad with Eminem in 2011.
And it wasn't this year's Super Bowl ad with Clint Eastwood.
The most important Chrysler commercial in recent years made its debut in June 2010 for the Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Both Chrysler and Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne along with John Jay, the global executive creative director for Wieden + Kennedy, agree the commercial for the Jeep Grand Cherokee symbolized a new chapter for the company's products and its marketing. (See it below)
Jay, in a discussion in Columbus, Ohio, this week with Marchionne, said the commercial for the Jeep Grand Cherokee was the most important work that the Portland, Ore.-based agency has done for Chrysler.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Pork Checkoff steps up its Hispanic marketing efforts


The growing influence of the Hispanic culture in the United States has prompted the Pork Checkoff to enhance its Hispanic marketing efforts by aligning with the Pork Be Inspired brand campaign.
“Hispanic consumers make up 16.7 percent of the U.S. population, with the percentage continuing to grow,” said Traci Rodemeyer, director of pork information for the Pork Checkoff. “Hispanic consumers love pork, and we want to continue to educate and inspire this huge segment of the population about pork’s possibilities.” The Pork Checkoff looks forward to working with Walmart on more pork promotions, said Rodemeyer, adding that the Checkoff is looking at new ways to connect with Hispanic consumers.

Brazil August Retail Sales Rise, But Inflation Gains

This article is about how brazils retail sales going up, but the money is becoming inflation. They are up 7.8%. from a year ago.

The new Jordan CP3.VI have a nice new style

If you’re a teen in the US, there’s a 40% chance you own an iPhone

In a recent study, teen in the US have been known to be a big contributor to the iPhone users. 40% of teens in the US have an iPhone. And 62% of teens have said that their next phone will indeed be an Apple-made phone. Compared to the 22% that they would rather have an Android phone.
Even the iPad has made its life into a lot of teens lives. 44% of the teenagers surveyed own a tablet. Of that 44%, 72% of them own an Apple iPad.


2012 Shelby 1000 Ford Mustang definitely gets your attention


For just under $200k you can get yourself a Shelby 1000.  The 1000 stands for how much horsepower the car has. It has a 0-60 of 3.7 seconds but can still get 20 mpg.

Big Bird, Romney, Mute Buttons and the Nuke

Here is a series of four of the most controversial political adds of all time:

Obama's "Big Bird" Commercial

Romney's "Mute Button" Commercial

Obama's "47%" Commercial

And Johnson's "Little Girl Nuke" Commercial.

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Internet advertising revenue reaches $17 billion

Internet advertising revenue reaches $17 billion.
Spending for Internet advertising reached $17 billion in the first half of the year, up 14% from the same time in 2011, as marketers seem to grow increasingly comfortable with using mobile devices and digital video to communicate brand messages.

Superbowl Volkswagen ad's 'Mini Darth' to receive special award from the American Advertising Federation for charity work Read more at http://www.thedrum.com/news/2012/10/12/superbowl-volkswagen-ads-mini-darth-receive-special-award-american-advertising#q29iE4HHfaCLuRgA.99


The seven-year-old boy who played ‘Mini Darth’ in the Volkswagen commercial ‘The Force’ is to receive an award from the American Advertising Federation for his charity work.
Max Page, who appeared in the Super Bowl commercial last year, will pick up the special award for his charitable works on behalf of children’s hospitals at the Advertising Hall of Achievement Induction Ceremonies in November.
Page has used his popularity from the advert to lobby for child healthcare, having suffered a heart defect since birth, which saw him undergo open-heart surgery during the summer.

U.S. retail sales continue to decline as new releases roll in


The U.S. retail game market has seen continuing declines throughout 2012, thanks to an ever-expanding digital market and a noted lack of new releases. While a number of new titles in September helped alleviate that retail game drought, the market is still seeing declines as we inch closer to the holiday season.

Home> U.S.


Body Found during search for Missing 10 year old girl Jessica Ridgeway not found intact.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5 Tips To Create A Sales Call Center That Works


                  This article is about how to sell stuff over the phone better and they give you five tips to do it. The five tips are hire phone warriors, be realistic aboout the job, do not de value training, metrics are key, and dials=dollars.

News From the Advertising Industry

¶ Travelers Companies, New York, consolidated its account at agencies owned by the Publicis Groupe by shifting media duties like planning, buying and analytics to MediaVest USA, New York, part of the Starcom MediaVest Group, from MediaCom, part of the GroupM division of WPP. Billings were estimated at $100 million. The other Publicis Groupe agencies that work for Travelers are Digitas and Fallon Worldwide.
¶ Unilever, which spends more than $6 billion each year on advertising, completed reviews for its media planning and buying accounts and kept most relationships intact. Mindshare, part of the GroupM unit of WPP, retained local planning and buying in Africa, parts of Asia, Western Europe and North America. PHD, part of the Omnicom Group, kept local planning and buying in other parts of Asia and Eastern Europe. Initiative, part of the IPG Mediabrands division of the Interpublic Group of Companies, retained local planning and buying in Latin America, except Brazil, and other parts of Europe. Worldwide communication planning for products in the food, personal care, home care and refreshment categories was assigned to PHD, as expected Initiative will handle worldwide planning for household care products.
¶ Sun Life Financial, Toronto, said that its United States business group, based in Wellesley Hills, Mass., had selected Doremus, New York, part of the Omnicom Group, to handle its creative and media assignments, which had been handled by the Martin Agency, Richmond, Va., part of the Interpublic Group of Companies. Spending was estimated at $10 million.

White Dudes and Asian Ladies Are a Thing in Television Commercials, It Seems!

This white dude-Asian lady combo seems to be a thing of late in Western advertising. Asian males are rarely cast with white women in the West. The idea is that they're not strong enough to woo a white woman. So they don't get the roles. This is also perhaps why Hollywood continually insists on having white dudes play Asian characters.

Job-Seekers Hope For Holiday Spirit as U.S. Stores Expand

Both were among more than 600 hopefuls at the Ocean County Mall holiday job fair in Toms River, New Jersey, last month, waiting to speak with 25 employers looking to fill 250 temporary and full-time positions. The registration line stretched out the door at noon when the fair began.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Dish's Ad-Skip Feature Complicates Talks


Dish NetworkGCI -0.11% Corp's new ad-skipping feature "Auto Hop" is complicating the satellite-television company's ability to renew its retransmission agreements with broadcasters such as Gannett Co., DISH -0.40% in addition to a continuing legal fight with big TV companies over the issue.

U.S. births falling; teen births fewest since 1946

The number of babies born to teens and some women in their 20s hit new record lows in 2011. The number of U.S. births has been falling since 2007. Then it peaked at 4.3 million. The number of births to ages 15-19 dropped 10 percent, to 329,797, the fewest since 1946. Teen birthrates fell 8 percent to 31.3 per 1,000, the lowest recorded since 1940. The rate has declined more than 3 percent a year since 1991. The number of births to women 20-24 declined 3 percent, and the birthrate dropped 5 percent, to 85.3 per 1,000, the lowest ever recorded in the USA. For ages 25-29, the birthrate, 107.2 per 1,000 women, was the lowest since 1976. For unmarried women, birth numbers and rates declined, and the rate for first births is also down, from 25.9 per 1,000 women ages 15-44 to 25.4 per 1,000.

How Facebook Will Find Its Next Billion Users


                    This article is about how Facebook just crossed  one billon people mark and are trying to get more people. There are more people getting Facebooks in Japan and South Korea, but in China is still closed to social media. Mark Zurkerburg is trying to get more people from to start getting Facebooks.
Top brands are data masters

All of the companies making Interbrand's new list of the world's most valuable brands have made big strides in applying Big Data to marketing outreach. The consultancy credited the Top 100 for “spending the time and money required to understand the role their brand plays in consumers' lives--and they are strategically weaving their brand proposition into every interaction.”

Tech brands scored big in Interbrand's annual ranking, with Apple rising six places to No. 2 and Facebook entering the list for the first time at No. 69. Google (No. 4) overcame Microsoft (No. 5) for the first time based on a 26% rise in its valuation. The worth of the Google brand was estimated at $69.7 billion, not far behind the $77.8 billion registered by the No. 1 brand, Coca-Cola.


Starbucks Ad Blitz Positions Triple-Duty Coffeemaker as Singular Sensation

Starbucks is advertising their new coffee machine. It is capibale of producing brewed coffee, espresso and espresso-based drinks such as lattes all in one machine. This machine, called the Verismo, will not me sold in just Starbucks stores, but also at Williams-Sonoma, Sur La Table, Bed Bath & Beyond and Macy's, as well as speciality retailers abroad.
Verismo "allows us to come at marketplace with the positioning of having all your favorite Starbucks beverages, no matter what they are, available on one machine," said Mr. Davenport, senior VP-marketing at Starbucks.


Big Bird and Romney

Presidential Debate:

"I like PBS. I love Big Bird," Romney said. "But I am not going to keep spending money on things [we have] to borrow money from China to pay for

SNL Weekend Update:

Thanks to Saturday Night Live, the Sesame Street star got a chance to make a statement during the "Weekend Update" segment.

Big Bird joined "Weekend Update" host Seth Meyers specifically for the purpose of addressing the controversy stemming from Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's statement about cutting funding for the Public Broadcasting Service. If PBS were to go, Big Bird would be done too.

Seth Meyers: "How did you find out your name had been mentioned in the debate?"
Big Bird: "Oh, I got a million tweets."
Seth Meyers: "So you're on Twitter?"
Big Bird: "No. I'm a bird."

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News From the Advertising Industry


Travelers Companies, New York, consolidated its account at agencies owned by the Publicis Groupe by shifting media duties like planning, buying and analytics to MediaVest USA, New York, part of the Starcom MediaVest Group, from MediaCom, part of the GroupM division of WPP. Billings were estimated at $100 million. The other Publicis Groupe agencies that work for Travelers are Digitas and Fallon Worldwide.

OSU alum a Super Bowl winner


The ad starts with a series of grainy images: a highway overpass, an oil refinery and a sign for I-75 in Detroit.
“I got a question for you,” the narrator says. “What does this city know about luxury, huh?”
So begins the two-minute spot that introduced Chrysler’s “Imported from Detroit” campaign, which premiered last year at the Super Bowl.
The Columbus native whose firm produced the campaign says the Chrysler spots were the result of an unusual partnership with an automaker that was willing to take risks.

MetroCards Go on Sale With Ads on Both Sides


The cards, blue on the front with an ad for the Gap, confused some riders, but the Metropolitan Transportation Authority expects an increase in revenue.

Danny Amendola’s injury could have been life threatening

The St. Louis Rams may be 3-2 in their first season under head coach Jeff Fisher, but they were dealt a significant injury blow on Thursday night when wide receiver Danny Amendola suffered a separated SC joint while laying out to haul in a 22-yard pass attempt from Sam Bradford.
Amendola did not break his collarbone, which the Rams initially feared, and will not require surgery. According to Jay Glazer of Foxsports.com, the injury could have been much, much worse.
During a report on FOX's pregame show, Glazer explained that Amendola dislocated his clavicle, which actually popped in and could have threatning amendolas treachia and  aorta. The Rams' medical staff acted quickly, putting Amendola to sleep before popping the clavicle back into place and making sure it could not dislodge again.
Glazer adds that the Rams have called around the league to find a case of another player suffering a similar injury, but they could not find one. The absence of a case study for this particular injury makes it difficult for the Rams to know when Amendola might return. Though surgery is not required, it may take between four and eight weeks for the injury to heal to the point where Amendola can play.

China retail sales growth slows, but consumers still confident


China's retail sales growth slowed during the Golden Week break, but demand was better than expected, and authorities provided a snapshot of increasingly important sources of demand in the world's second-largest economy.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Wanted: Woman Who Took Joy Ride on Manatee

Authorities in Florida are searching for a mystery woman who hitched an illegal ride on the back of a manatee.Deputies from the Pinellas County Sheriff's Office responded to a call at Fort De Soto Park Sunday afternoon after a concerned witness reported a woman riding a manatee in the waterway.
Witnesses provided deputies with photographs of the woman on her joy ride and a description of her, but they were unable to locate her in the area.
No manatees were believed to have been injured, but the woman could face a second degree misdemeanor charge for disturbing the mammal, police said.
The Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act states, "It is unlawful for any person at any time, by any means, or in any manner intentionally or negligently to annoy, molest, harass, or disturb or attempt to molest, harass, or disturb any Manatee.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Alternate jersey a financial win-win for Adidas, athletic department


The alternate jerseys that Nebraska wore against Wisconsin on Saturday has brought $10,000 in sales to the Nebraska bookstore

Report: Campaigns overlook Spanish speakers


Overall, the percentage of campaign dollars dedicated to Spanish-language ads has barely increased from the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, even though Hispanics are viewed as a voting bloc growing in size and influence. About 4.6 percent of advertising dollars, or $16 million, went to Spanish-language political ads in the states reviewed.

Farmer eatin by his own HOGS!


The farmer had gone to feed the hogs, some weighing as much as 700 pounds, about 7:30 a.m., according to a report from CNN affiliate KMTR. After Garner was not seen for several hours, a family member went to check on him and found his dentures in the hog pen. Other remains were found, but the hogs had eaten most of the farmer, according to the report.

The Tower of London illuminated pink


LONDON, ENGLAND - OCTOBER 01: The Tower of London is illuminated pink for Breast Cancer Campaign's 'Turn London Landmarks Pink' for breast cancer awareness month on October 1, 2012 in London, England. (Photo by Ian Gavan/Getty Images

Holiday Retail Sales Prediction: 4.1 Percent Higher Than 2012


              This article is about how retail hoilday sales are going to go up 4.1%. This percent has gone up since 2009.

Domino's Pan Pizza Ad Takes A Swipe At Pizza Hut's Frozen Dough

Dominos is trying to become, "King of the mountain" with their pan pizzas. In their new ad, they show tell their viewers that Pizza Hut uses frozen dough when they make theirs. But Dominos uses fresh dough every day.Though they don't come out and say "Pizza Hut" they make it clear who their competiton is.


Teenagers Make Up Fastest Growing Demographic In Smartphone Market


you take a stroll down the street in most any city in the US, it is no surprise that you will encounter most teenagers either talking, texting or surfing the net on their smartphones. And a new study by Nielsen finally shows what most people have known for quite some time: Teens love their smartphones.
According to the study, young adults between the ages of 25 and 34 make up 74 percent of the smartphone market. Yet, through interviews of some 20,000 mobile users in July, the group found that teenagers between 13 and 17 are becoming smartphone owners at a much quicker rate than young adults

Not quite Super: COO says Facebook audience will pay off


Facebook operating chief Sheryl Sandberg launched her own offensive yesterday, touting the social network’s Super Bowl-sized audience in a play to win back Madison Avenue.
In her first big interview since the company’s disastrous public debut in May, Sandberg talked up Facebook’s growing audience and tossed around terms like “user engagement” in her pitch to advertisers.
The social network is nearing 1 billion users, and about half of them visit every day. Last year’s Super Bowl drew a record 111 million viewers.
“Every day on Facebook, we have five Super Bowls, which means you can reach that many people,” Sandberg told CNBC.

The Nuggets are going back in time


The Nuggets have new alternate jerseys

The Spot: Airline to Heaven - McCann Oslo brings the magic back to air travel with a spot for a Norwegian carrier

IDEA: It's a sad irony that flying, literally the most aspirational of human pursuits, has become synonymous with pure hell. Customer-service failures are the norm, to the point where one major U.S. airline now openly likens the industry to a violent game show almost no one can win. Now and again, airlines attempt to claim a loftier purpose—United's animated spots from the mid-2000s come to mind—but the typical customer experience can make a mockery of such ads. Now, however, a regional carrier in Norway called Widerøe has produced something transcendental for the category: A quiet spot from McCann Oslo that simply and beautifully recaptures the sense of wonder about flying through a subtle, delightful metaphor that makes the ad itself a minor miracle. Flying is magical, it indelibly claims. So, in its own way, is the ad.


Uncle Maddio's Pizza Joint Builds Successful Brand Through Social Media Marketing

Maddio's Pizza Joint is the fastest-growing fast casual pizza franchise there is.  Since January, they have seen a 125 percent increase in Facebook “likes” alone.  and Facebook isn't the only place that they are advertising.  They also advertise on Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, Yelp, Foursquare, and Urbanspoon.  That is thousands of people that they advertise to without having to spend millions and millions of dollars.

2012 Nissan GT-R


This is one of Nissans most sporty cars. It has a twin-turbocharged 3.8 L that puts out 530 HP affordable $90,000.
Supply-driven pharmaceutical drug and disease marketing has turned nation into pill-popping hypochondriacs

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035032_hypochondriacs_drug_marketing_pills.html#ixzz289HJ4ipM

the phamaceutical industry is makeing america hypocondriacts by making people feel they need drugs or every thing that happens to them.