Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Visa’s Ads to Highlight an ‘Epic’ N.F.L. Season
Visa has a new game plan for its sponsorship of the 2012-13 season of the National Football League.
The company, which has been a league sponsor since 1995, played up the Super Bowl in the campaigns it introduced each of the last two Septembers. Last year’s campaign followed a fan who won a trip to the big game and the 2010-11 campaign was centered on a group of friends who had never missed a Super Bowl in person.
The new campaign, which is to begin on Sunday, includes the Super Bowl, but it is not the main focus. Rather, the spotlight in the 2012-13 campaign is on offers for fans that range from discounts on video games to a chance to interview an N.F.L. player.

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